
Facebook ll very early have

, Counter-question a way.
"You don't mean to say even if.I don't force you as well!"Zhu Si the left speech Be right to attend to tunnel.Chatted a short while heel Li Jie could not talk as well why come after leaving to return to a house, type a computer, Long Ao Tian's hair comes over of mail indeed as expected arrive ……
Chapter 168 carries out
Only the contents of the Yu letter heel he and the contents said by that department chief Ge is just about, an easy words:
"The danger has been already relieved!"
Zhu Si originally wanted to laugh at him for a while, but the hand just inputed a few words right away again stop next, finally wrote three word hairs pass by:
"The wolf came!"
Sent out to and then closed computer, Long Ao Tian shoulded know his/her own meaning a month later.,
Made a phone call to Zhu Si while making and grew the roadbed of ping originally fix good, building materials also just at continuously the luck entered a workplace, let he sometimes saw.
Zhu Si again asks for leave, ten thousand proud Yangs for his have already become accustomed to on leave, after handing over to the Xiao the key to get Hui, Zhu Si again steps on the road of growing the ping.
Finish eating the supper set out from Hangzhou, two days morning was long ping, at this time because of long the ping linked with outside of dish mountain the highway have already widenned to reinforce, at ordinary times those ten several inside the road wanted to spend now time in more than a hour only and 20th, minute, when the car of Zhu Si arrives long ping country government, is seeing just just got up while making and took porcelain cup is squating down to gargle over there,cnn.
"Live here still be used to?"Zhu Si got off facing walked over while making way.
Say at the right moment and see clock Yi quiet also from the room in walked out, Zhu Si saw their one eye and smiled a way:
"See come the day like this is very pleasing to you!"
"The air is very good here, the person is also very passionate, be didn't good smoke, the cut tobacco here very Qiang person, it rice wine that is the person of hometowns to make by himself/herself to pour very Chun!"Finished vomiting when made in of gargle waterway.
"That your day should lead to moisten very much, trust, I came to take a little wine and smoke for you this time."Zhu Si moves down a few smoke heels of the car two boxes of good wine and put into room for making.
"There are these things, the day is true of be like fairy!"Made right away dismantled 1 pack, ordered a way.
"Leave, go first a workplace to see!"Zhu Si is green to arrive the appearance that enjoyed while making of way.
2 people arrive at a workplace top after, Zhu Si sees fence already set up good, stay one very wide door in the school, have the street direct to arrive an inside, now is exactly the soil square of top of hill to below the hills move, if is finally whole even empress the whole area of school will have the around ten thousand even rice.
At this time although time still very early, have already had 3322 people to take tool to arrive at top of hill, dig of dig, pick of pick, oneself does.
"These people where please come of?"Zhu Si asks a way.
"All of this are to voluntarily work, even if have a meal some persons to also secretly go home to eat at noon, would not like to let us more to open rice money, the wages basically don't lift, if somebody else you say to the wages, and you are hasty!"Saw Zhu Si 1 when made.
"That words like this whether very sorry somebody else, they are original and then isn't very wealthy, I think thus can't the meeting enlarge the burden of person of hometown kind?"Zhu Si sees a person more and more and asks a way.
"Who say be not, I also said with head of rural township Lee, we set up the budget inside of school is have pay wages this, have no necessity to let the person of hometowns to us free work.Do you know that how to answer head of rural township Lee?"Counter-questioned a way when made.
"H'm, how?"Zhu Si's its teachings.
"Head of rural township Lee says that he just start also like this said with the person of hometowns, say since the somebody else came to set up a school for us, wages is also budget like of, everyone according to the Lao paid Chou this is very normal, but had never arrived the person of hometowns listen to he say so behind almost had never give°ed him scold faint, 'this is the school that we fix by ourselves, the somebody else has already thrown money, you still be dissatisfied with still make us stop work for the day money, energy we had of matter, have rice return a, if we accept money, is the kid of our house still not bashful to come to go to school here hereafter?'End head of rural township Lee also only accept defeat, but every noon of that invites everyone to eat here, we also make the vegetables in noon as far as possible abundant point, attain a meal meal to contain meat."Makes at this time seem the words being also said by oneself moved, is hoping of deep feeling very much workplace to ascend busy person of hometowns.
"What about money that that budget reduces, you how still do what, after all I already not give you money to want to take back again come."Zhu Si just say.
"Do the places wanting to spend money wear more and be like the table of school chair you before have no in consideration of, lately set up a school you always not ability again in order to front primary school in the center of those?"Said when made.
Zhu Si presents those right away in brain lack arm to break a leg, left add a piece of timber right repair a piece of place of lessons table wooden bench, "all of this definite demands change new of, are you to prepare to acquire necessary material locally or purchase from the other parts of country?"
"This matter I also talked over with president Long and head of rural township Lee, everyone finally still keeps deciding do-it-yourself, timber in Shan-li is enough, and understand the person whom the carpenter lives also many, several hundreds of table chairs as long as we can provide a design draft, can rush through to all work well by September, if want again like 1:00 buy to order a good paint to come to all right."Way when made.
"That probably uses money to here about, you say to still have where have no in consideration of?Still need to be spent money?"Zhu Si asks a way again.
Discover here power outage usually, every 23 day will
Stop once, I think an end to buy a generator again."Way when made.
"This pours to use how much , does just a primary school have a necessity to buy generator?They in the evening again use self-study up and late, in the daytime also need not turn on a light to have a class?"Zhu Si wanted to want to also have never thought a primary school inside if thing power is off will have to it what influence.
"This you didn't know, don't you want to set up a multi-media classroom?If the power was off and then can not have a class, and inside in the school still has tower not, if stop how many days give or get an electric shock that teachers to not and again descend to pick water to drink?And the power is off here is usually sexual, especially dining room in with water measure very much, you can't make the students also haven't last rice at noon,google, the reason was cooks to all pick water, didn't cook a meal."Said with smile when made.
"Calculate you to say have a reason, anyway generator also need not how much , just want usually have diesel get here, by that time again is a cost.The place moreover being still different from?You 1 time tell, I have preparation so much, don't 200,000 hurl times finally make 45100,000."Zhu Si also smiles a way.
"Is some I can not estimate, either now, but had better make a boiler in dining room, not only can burn hot water to return ability the steamed rice still save coal,Facebook.This I asked to be good friends with several ten thousand."Way when made.
"Several 100 people's school really needs this, all right, you calculated it to the budget, if without money I throw again be."
"Had you this sentence me to trust, moreover and lately schooling begins stilled have to do a few schools for the students to take, this cost is also many."When made again way.
"The school takes and then had no a necessity, we here don't need to make this formalism, as long as lifting teaching quality up is all right."Zhu Si a little bit bursts out laughing, this' making has already completely stood now the position of long ping country considered a problem, don't think the plan that saves money for oneself at all.
"Not know that you notice have no, now centrally primary school inside a lot of students are still dressed in list dress, have on the feet of even socks also have no, be dressed in list shoe, the weather like this can they be subjected to?The Yi is quiet in the evening come back run me heel, the students for a while lesson empress crowded had fun and keep warm mutually together, can their parent but do a matter for school but don't wages, I want do a set of schools take 1 to make the feature of school a new, more important compensated these from the on the side free worked for school construction of, after all their great majoritieses all had close relatives or kid to come to school here."Way when made.
"Is all right, since such of words the simply school of student whole yearses took to all wrap and not only wanted to deliver winter of still need to deliver summer, not only want to deliver cotton shoe to still need to deliver sandals.If probably later I pour to want that opening a clothing factory and shoe factory is specialized to come to produce the thing of hoping the primary school."Said when Zhu Si is also made by, doing would work well, don't stay future trouble, this is Zhu Si, it works of style.
"If is a school but set up a factory to pour is to have no necessity, if you if set up Related articles:

