
beats by dre relief troops!

Probably break out to set out in the short run,beats by dre, probably more serious circumstance is still in the behind.
In the silent time for Liu Ding, there someone continuously delivers intelligence report.All intelligence report after aring Li Yi He to once see, the reading of low voice flies rain for moxa to know.The intelligence report that finally delivers is very short, only have very short row of characters, Li Yi He after seeing, soft-voiced of fly rain to say to the moxa:"The Huai of the comfortable city west soldier commander-in-chief, became blue dress Hou."
The moxa flies raindrop to nod and meant to know.
Liu Ding but subconscious are raised head:"Blue dress Hou?Which blue dress Hou?"
Li Yi He carefully says:"Is a blue dress Hou!The Huai west soldier of small handsome!"
Liu Ding knits the brows to say:"Is not a Huo mountain the break out of comes of blue dress Hou?"
At the beginning Liu Ding greatly opens the affair of rule against killing at the Huo mountain county, Li Yi He and moxa fly rain not quite clear, Liu Ding and relatedly know what happened also in the mood for of concealed this bloody history, so they don't know blue dress Hou ground sequence of events.See Liu Ding dignified facial expression, Li Yi He quickly turns over the intelligence report of visiting fortune-teller the pass and discover this blue dress Hou indeed as expected is the blue dress Hou that comes from a Huo mountain county.After once taking intelligence report by himself/herself and cautiously checking, Liu Ding's the blue dress Hou of sure of comfortable city.Is the leftover evil of Huo mountain blue house at the beginning, blue house big only break out of in the hospital livings the man in sky on that day.
This blue dress Hou, the vitality pours also really strong, after disappearing for more than a years, incredibly mixed a small handsome job in the Huai western soldier.Relatedly intelligence report suggests, Qin Zong Quan recognized by few days the blue dress Hou is dry Sun Shu, subsequently adjust to allow a comfortable state chief commander.Was thought by Qin Zong Quan to do a son book and did Sun Shu at that time, had about more than 30 Huai west soldiers of will get, blue dress Hou this name didn't know inside story ground, the Li Yi He, moxa flies rain eyes in.Don't is special.Certainly, after knowing inside story, this name engraves right away at 2 people's brain in.
Garrison the Huai of comfortable city west soldier only 4,000 people are or so.But the arrival of blue dress Hou, still keep draw Liu Ding's high attention.After clearing up the sequence of events of blue dress Hou, the moxa flies rain ground facial expression and also slowly becomes dignified.He sits on the wheel chair, the finger unconsciously knocks the tea side-table of front, the eyebrows lightly takes side, the handsome and talented face imitates Buddha statue similar.Absolutely still.Liu Ding and Li Yi Hes all know that he is carefully measuring this cause and effect, so all kept silent appropriately.Very greatly and in a short while, the moxa flies the facial expression of rain and just slowly unfolds to open.
Liu Ding deeply sinks of say:"Fly rain, you thoughted of what?"
The moxa flies rain to have no to answer face to face, but soliloquizes of say:"Adult, do you feel what the Lu river's defense important point is?"
Liu Ding carefully says:"The morale of the Huai west soldier?"
The moxa flies rain to turn a facing Li Yi He:"What about you?"
Li Yi He has a little oddness of say:"Certainly is a Lu the river guard soldier amount, morale, material and relief troops!"
The moxa flies raindrop to nod.Slowly say:"Speaking of relief troops, you are very good.Who all know, outside have no the soldier of rescue.Have no the city that can guard inside, this is most basically the military principle.The Lu river is placed in our ground now battalion forward under, all probably suffer our attacks at any time, we really know this, Huai west the soldier equally really know this, so, we both parties' ground is each action, all will never be literally do out, each activity.All there is special purpose.Qin Zong Quan will have the blue dress Hou of great enmity to send a comfortable city with adult.Obviously have a very cunning purpose, this purpose ……"
Li Yi He interrupts to say:"Qin Zong Quan is worried about the guarding of comfortable city soldier.Can not increase to aid a Lu river in time, with the result that the Lu river will suffer our to lay siege to, so adjust blue dress Hou to send comfortable city, make use of blue dress Hou and the gratitude and grudge of of adult, force the Huai of comfortable city west soldier, become more actively active?"
The moxa flies rain air to dignifiedly say:"BE exactly.Adult, although the Huai west amount of soldiers of comfortable city didn't increase,Qin Zong Quan adjusts blue dress Hou to defend comfortable city, indirect developed these 4,000 people's strength to extreme limit.The parlance listenned to adult just, this blue dress Hou and adult are that the enemies are deeps sea, absolutely irreconcilable.For revenging to avenge, he hibernated for more than a years, in the center may eat many bitternesses, just get appreciating of Qin Zong Quan.Therefore, there is an ample reason believing, as long as making a troublesome opportunity for adult, the blue dress Hou absolutely can't pass.We take the offensive a Lu river this time and want to attain first of, is the relation that cuts off comfortable city and Lu river, rupture the Lu river's exterior to increase to aid.If isn't a blue dress Hou to govern comfortable city, probably we the Huai that need several 100 people and then can suppress comfortable city west soldier, but the arrival of blue dress Hou, forcing us has to increase troops, even we even if increase troops,can not completely suppress the harassment of blue dress Hou ……say so, our plan, may do some slight adjustments."
Li Yi He a little bit worries of say:"Now the problem of most is a western Huai soldier to know we want a frontal attack Lu river and regardless adjust to send how much of troops, all deceive however our ear eyes, hence the way of doing that adopted this very clever in deceiving others, try don't draw our attentions as far as possible.In fact,Beats By Dre Justbeats, our intelligence report sections really still have much shortage, having much intelligence report can not find out in time, after the blue dress Hou adjusts to defend comfortable city, whether Huai western soldier still has other changes in personnels, none of us knows.The Yan feels Li after dying, is Qin Xian to govern life state, Qin Xian is this person according to flying the parlance of rain.Or have a little ability, though not much, Qin Zong whether the power will appoint others to replace Qin Xian?If is Ma Yan again or is Sun Ru, will be the person who can hardly deal with."
The moxa flies rain to speak slowly a way:"Sun Ru and Qin Zong Quans have very the earth antinomy, Qin Zong Quan can't let he to hinterland, he can't leaves Luo sun, either.Sun Ru's troops contains 20,000 soldiers, is he develops by himself of crack, all use uniformly of black lance, to Sun Ru Yi individual loyal to.Qin Zong Quan will never dare to let him is after Cai Zhou.As for Ma Yan , this person really have ability, ability and don't set up at the king under.The his relationship with Qin Zong's speech is badly.Qin Zong's talking has been wanting to kick Ma Yan he or she does, Ma Yan doesn't want to talk a cooperation with Qin Zong as well.Just Ma Yan 's half month ago still just Jing south region,beats by dre australia, even if want to adjust life state, also have no so quick.Besides Jing the south is long to offend not next, Qin Zong Quan only orders Ma Yan to step up aggression, absolutely can't face to change will of.Qin Zong Quan still has much of cognitive for this."
Li Yi He is tiny to sigh to say:"No matter how it is.The river of the Lu this is stubborn not chew!Three eyes all set time for setting up is too short, we can the place permeating is really too little, at protect and believe a soldier in, we have a lot of places.Huai west soldier if parties person and protect to believe a soldier secretly negotiation, concentration life state region of all troopses arrive Lu river come, we very passive.The shell gift Yi is this old thief, old crafty huge Hua.Our parties goes to ground emissary and basically has no opportunity to meet with him, his true viewpoint.We don't know as well."
The moxa flies raindrop to nod and seem and say what, but the end didn't say.
In the military strategy, the most basic principle is to offend it unprepared, its never thought that, only have just can attain the most ideal effect like this.Every time of mighty and valiant soldier takes the offensive combat, what to take orders is all same principle.However, the Lu river's ground position is too special, special arrive can not attain to offend it at all unprepared.Its never thought that.For Huai west soldier to say, the attack of mighty and valiant soldier is absolutely a Lai book the wound Ba on the head.Put clearly, if Huai west soldier still therefore the words of the gist, oneself only sought to die.In fact, the Lu river's Huai west the soldier have no he or she to seek dead, their vigilances are very still highlands, regardless mighty and valiant soldier at east the line does what kind of leave act, canned hardly once cheat Lu river's Huai west soldier.
Just at silently time, again someone delivers intelligence report.Li Yi He knits the brows to say after seeing:"The Huai west soldier great commander Shen Cong goes down south Anne's state and offended into Huang Zhou recently, the history of Huang Zhou Ci lost war and was forced to back to guard Huang gang at Huang Po……Huai west soldier be not at Jing south?How to suddenly have already been Huang Zhou Related articles:

