
Beats by Dr Dre Pro lore to take willTh

Lu Zhen.
The Mu recording in mind permits Ke speech no longer, with after death continue to walk faster at the segment Huan, however he is to want to open mouth to don't go as well, the segment Huan has already resumed that solemn and peaceful deeply sink of shape.
Don't walk how far, can see ten peach trees, the morning glow that see ten thousand powders thousand red and like horizons is similar, the green grass ground Cui green jade reflects on the ground bottom.Seem to be more beautiful.But can hear a burst of and tranquil and enjoyable musical sound at the peach blossom behind, the companion wears Hua Hua ground the flowing water voice spread, this is alongside really the Qi Qi Fang grass flowing water, the purple Mo world of mortals kisses noodles.
The Mu permits Ke not from great a , really know to enjoy of elegant private.
Once turned a peach blossom cluster, can see a small station signing in Wei water river that the stone is in the dike and flows over against long spring water.The station son is exact center a not big stone table, up put a chessboard.Two people are concentrating to the Yi.What to wear a woebegone expression is exactly a great commander soldier China is once.Another Mu of scholar shape permits and then not too acquaints with.But the north mansion well-known scholar heavy minister car the Yin sit on the part.It is fondling a piano in the Fen joss-stick.3 people side stand a big fellow, is closing the eyes for a rest, don't know is infatuate with or asleep.
See a segment the Huan lead Mu to permit Ke to walk to come over, once China once the chessboard pulled out and loudly called a way:"I admitted defeat!Vegetable often the Sir's chess skill is bier long odds than me."Say, once China station starts and permitted the Ke arch hand way to the Mu:"Luckily the Mu permitted general to come over.Otherwise I lost miserably!This vegetable often Sir not seek sub- Sir Wu next, it happened that seek me next, with bad intention!"
Follow a station to start to ground plain part permit Ke arch toward the Mu hand to gift, simultaneously say with smile:"Who call great commander soldier ground the chess skill is very bad, I next however sub- Sir Wu has to seek a great commander soldier, you descended."
Just through hear noise to stop a piano station to start to ground car Yin to also permit Ke toward the Mu arch hand far and far to the gift, words hear plain, not from also smile:"Vegetable often the Sir isn't honest and kind.Clearly know that the great commander soldier is a smelly chess basket.How don't you seek a great commander soldier ratio to shoot arrow?"
In the public cachinnation, the Mu permitted Ke to walk into station son in.Once once China lived the hand that the Mu permitted Ke to the Wan and obstructed his to salute very naturally.Then point at after death an introduction way:"Sub- Sir Wu is well know, this is the homeliness Sir to reside the right long history of Wu Chang Gong now often.That big fellow is a long Rui of Zhang Zhang, is my the old Wei soldier get generally, bodyguard long."
Hear here, Mu's permitting Ke isn't risen eyes by Mi to look at a piece,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, this has a liking for to have a little Mian Tian ground the man is that right explore to take will?That is located on 100001000 soldiers to hit by bullet to pick a Yan soldier great commander Gao Kai, the knife chops down Yan soldier commander-in-chief big ensign of right explore to take will?In those early years he flicked knife halloo ten thousand win of appearance, and brave captured Mu permit hang, connect killed three Yans will of left explore take stay Deng Xia together in all Yan persons heart.
The Mu permitted a Ke in the mind to give a deep sigh a , this northern mansion of go and make him understand, last time Wei Chang's war north mansion didn't exert with all strength, Be been similar to to and let at least the Yan soldier smells breeze extremely frightened of or so explore and take piece and Deng Xia at north the mansion would get and win good elephant and still have quite a few, the Mu permits Ke and really gets mixed up north the mansion still had how much great commander it just, he a little bit didn't understand China once, didn't understand north mansion.
But once China part Wan wear the Mu permitted Ke, part up and down and or soly and cautiously conjectured Mu to permit Ke, finally turn a head rightness plain with the car Yin exclamation way:"See each time the Mu permit general, I always feel that I was ashamed, there was pressure, had pressure too much!"The car Yin and plain etc. person understands on listenning to, oneself great commander soldier because the Mu permits Ke too handsome, handsome must let great commander soldier mutually the form see Chu, so yell pressure.
See the Mu permit Ke a bit ashamed, plain hurriedly connect speech of way:"Was some to once smell Mu's permitting all of houses are Long Feng to really be known for to rather meet in the persons, on seeing today!"
Hear plain this have a deep idea of a words, the Mu permitted Ke to have to smile to smile speech no longer, wore leading of China once to sit down by the side of the stone table.
Just on sitting properly, the segment Huan goes toward a flank on signing, with Zhang Zhan together.But sharply the Mu permit Ke but discover, the piece settles ground at the segment Huan station, the time involuntarily and hereafter moved half to tread and stood on the segment unclearly Huan behind.
Once China pointed a segment Huan and piece to say:"The dollar celebrates and all of long Ruis are smelly tempers, say what would not like to accompany to sit down, need not take care of them, is gone by them."
Finish saying, once China turns a speech way:"Today is once some to borrow graceful Yuan this secluded ground of hospitality Mu permit general, please don't abandon a place simple and crude, invite a week not."
The Mu permits Ke to hurriedly answer a way:"Do not dare or not!Being very tranquil and enjoyable and quiet and out-of-the-way here is exactly the good whereabouts of carefree party feeling, the great commander soldier is really good elegance!"
"Elegance?"Once China smells speech one Leng, immediately speechless but smile.Several petal peach blossoms slightly float to fall inside in the station son along with the breeze and obscurely fly to the stone table at this time.Once China stretches hand lightly on answering and lives two petal peach blossoms with two finger Nians, then gentle and softly and lightly fondles in the finger tip.
"This peach blossom that blooms in spring, represent full of life endlessly source of vitality."Once China simultaneously shut eyes feel begin point spread of fresh delicate and light and soft, simultaneously in a soft voice continue say:"When we once experienced killing of corpse mountain sea of blood battlefield, come to feel this spring idea that is full of source of vitality and hope again, we will discover life that being full of was fine, full of a hope."
Make reference to here, once China suddenly opened eyes, stared at Mu permit Ke see a short while, see the Mu permitted Ke have a little uneasiness, then in a soft voice smiled smile and shut last eyes:"The Mu permits general, we this isn't the elegance of the clear stream well-known scholar, we are as far as possible enjoying fine life, enjoy a hope.We don't know after war next time can't also have this opportunity behind."
Hear here, Mu's permitting Ke doesn't feel to°from the ground eyes have a little fan to receive, he hurriedly becomes overdo to go and looking at those ten exuberant brilliant of peach tree.A sturdy spring breeze is blown at this time, the red glow at sunset moves with the breeze and immediately shook to fall 100001000 flower petals, in the sky raised flower fog of a pink and floated to spread ground to cover with to dance in the wind.
"Is really beautiful!"The Mu permits Ke to can not control feelings ground to take off to sigh a way.

The text chapter 140 Mu permits Ke(two)
Renew time:2009-1-70:14:50 chapter word numbers:4225

When the Mu permits Ke at appear lost in thought ground to looking at to cover with to spend fog of time, suddenly hear a way once:"Hope the spring but again is afraid that the spring passes away.When we see this full purpose beauties of spring, happy remaining perhaps still has disappointed one silk.Don't know when this spring meeting elephant this floats scattered flower, Cang however flowing water similar, quietly pass away?"
Hear here, the Mu permits Ke not from one Leng, yes, the fine thing always so easily leaves, always in the most beautiful time suddenly disappear, such as those 100001000 flower trees at a night east the breeze decline red and everywhere, gloomy is mire.Thought of here, the Mu permits not from thought of oneself struggles a life Yan country for it and goes down south to prepare to with one action concuss in the prosperous power even Central plains, but be been a burst of to trample upon by the strong breeze, like that spends with breeze and the remnants going to and float to fall floating about, and the Mu permit several persons in the house emperor diagram Ba the industry also follow to quietly pass away.Does the flower efflorescence falls, all really is a number?
The Mu permits Ke really the Kui isn't a hero person, thought of here am strong from settled to fix mind absolute being, have already finally struggled to set free from the wound the spring.He raises head to toward China speech way once:"The surprisingly great commander soldier not only maneuvers world, hero get, even have artistic talent being horizontal to overflow, let people admit defeat!"
Make reference to here, the Mu permits the ground of Ke exclamation to continue to say:"Not just at Liao east secluded ground of phrase song that also heard a great commander soldier, asking the gentleman can have much more several sorrow and just like one river spring water flow to the east, be really well said!Always felt while reading to sing this before 100001000 disappointed exerted herein, but not clear it investigated.Today listen to great commander soldier explication just understand, is this spring word, order the word of Jing."
Once China hears here not from smile, surprisingly oneself plagiarizes of a few poem phrases are incredibly so famous, incredibly could spread all over the place.However this Mu permits a house is turned by man very deeply.Like oneself's ground this a few "rare poem phrase"s are also as it should be.
"The Mu permits general, in fact we harm spring to be just 1 kind of heart to fear.Is a more fine thing we more afraid that it passes away, so when we face great universe to rotate all the year round, like face the round of destiny, days pass, no longer Related articles:

