
cnn e Gang Sa thunder Si

The Venus fights AN up leave so deeply trace!If isn't that I have a gold just pretty good body!Almost drive you this one punch defeated!"Slowly the Gang Sa thunder Si one step one step walked to come over.After death left a string of profoundly footprint!
The Ma Lei space green jade!
Song in Chu sky feels this world too crary.Madly seem to be novel!It be defeated by the enemy,cnn.Then suddenly break out strong force.The place of doom greatly counter-attacks.How to see how to be like a knight novel ground a contents this kind of affair.Only the his mama landlord Cape isn't he!
"The Gang Sa thunder Si!"Song in Chu sky slowly fisted a left boxing.Slowly accumulate to gather strength.Mouth inside but sink a voice to ask a way:"You are actually a Kun especially still the match is especially!"This matter is too wide of the mark.A war absolute being army corps ground vice- chief.It is a match to unexpectedly use ground person especially ground race remarkable talent!
"I am certainly a Kun especially!"The Gang Sa thunder Si ground the words sound Keng Qiang make to ring.Good two pieces of metal be each other bumping shot.He ground the corner of mouth peeped out that kind of again Gao Gao at up the ground sneer at sneer:"Only I ground the father is a friendship muscle man.Gold!"
Friendship muscle man.Gold!!
Song in Chu sky is in mind crazy to depend!No wonder that the Gang Sa thunder Si will be fastenned remarkable talent with the gold, originally his old dad is well-known"rich man"!No wonder that so overbearing!No wonder that young be last war absolute being army corps of vice- chief!
Friendship muscle man.The gold was 30 year agos to successfully relieve Kingdom"Protoceratop crisis", married Kun afterwards the princess' war absolute being army corps military instructor is especially!He is a match emperor's clan of A clan is especially!At present is a Kun especially regal of connect Jin;He He well-known"match especially archduke", Kun especially the troops' chief of staff, Kun especially the only foreign troops, Gao Guan, in the Kingdom!
100 time 100 time!
This small white face is a Kun blood royal and match especially especially emperor's clan of of half-breed!Allosaurus and tumblebug of miscellaneous hand over a species!
"Pei!"Song in Chu sky mercilessly hurtled the Gang Sa thunder Si to vomit to vomit Mo, saying of gnash teeth in hatred:"I am is what things, is that one is small miscellaneous kind of!"
Is miscellaneous kind of,Facebook!
The facial expression of the Gang Sa thunder Si in a twinkling solidified!This phrase is his biggest taboo!
"I want to become the minced meat to your Nian and feed my and sit and ride!"The voice of the Gang Sa thunder Si is cold of be like a piece of iron!(……)
The words sound of the Gang Sa thunder Si still declines, the whole individual has already changed into a golden light and turn an eye to excite Chu the in front of song for sky, very anxious to explode the head one punch dozen of Chu sky song!
Song in Chu sky has already worked well preparation, the tiger cannon launches, left boxing mercilessly and the right boxing of the Gang Sa thunder Si to bump at together!
Good soared to the skies to set off a guided missile!The whole body that song in Chu sky is bumped by the huge backlash look like a shell sort of Tang poured to fly to go out, bumped to go into a bushes inside, and then bumped at a big tree up!
The retribution comes quickly!
Song in Chu sky just beats the Gang Sa thunder Si into the bushes with the tiger cannon, oneself is also as usual come to one punch now, however the somebody else isn't a sneak attack, but face to face strong offend!And although his body is a deathless body but have no gold just the pretty good body was so strong and tough, the tree had never bumped to break, and own rib broke foot to have 7, 8!
!The song one mouthful blood in Chu sky wildly sprayed out!In the mind of shocking incomparable!Ever since that time get overlord, Long Li, ,google, song in Chu sky and others puts a rightness, drive the Rui Si was bumped to once fly with"the dint of the blue sky" once, but just he uses of but tiger cannon!Under the others body appearance of the strongest attack, press a box of means of bottom!But have never put together the Gang Sa thunder Si!This energy that is miscellaneous kind of is a lot too big!
"Chu!"The screech of Dai from a distance spreads, was full of to fear and worry in voice!The heart of song in Chu sky stretches tight a while tight, can not lose, absolutely can not lose!Once oneself lost, the Dai was getting more dangerous!
Song in Chu sky bites tight maxillary joint and coagulate the strength of the whole body at some chest, break of the rib Mao healing of Mao at together, this studies the method of condition of the injury of the quickly healing of after being the hair dint technique that he practices tiger cannon!
"Fill refined person, roll out!I know that you didn't die!"The voice of the Gang Sa thunder Si from a distance spreads!
Song in Chu sky slowly and step by step came out bushes, the brain tried very hard to of turn.How to do?Don't really and not want to change a body can not?But still do the Pope and a flame Long Wang cast covetous eyes on in a side!
Dai and Dou people see Chu the appearance of song peace for sky, although breath a sigh of relief, but the eyebrows is wrinkly and tightly.Gold just of the pretty good body the head was a lot too big!Offending to guard and having is absolutely a perfect remarkable talent, can song in Chu sky win?
"The Gang Sa thunder Si!I hold you big Ye!"The blue vein of song forehead in Chu sky starts to leap old Gao and suddenly jumps feet to lambaste a way:"You let Lao Tze with bare hands, but oneself uses remarkable talent!Your his mama returns calculate warrior!If Lao Tze has weapon in the hand ……"
The Gang Sa thunder Si gives a snicker and uses echo curling up in the air metal sound answer way:"Fill refined person!Don't not know somehow!You use violence a machine to deal with absolute being boon!Your brain be beaten by me to break down!"
Pope and thunder gram the Sa saw one eye each other and shook to shake head at the same time, the facial expression of the surroundings fiesta departments was immediately complicated, in distress situation.Does the absolute being grant a remarkable talent to own to absolutely control dint to the chemical element and take metal weapon attack Gang Sa thunder Si?Is this it oneself that seek dead?He doesn't know that the absolute being grants remarkable talent of severe?
Dou people fasten remarkable talent to know to the gold it is very detailed, cannot help but to beside make faces of remind Chu song in the sky:Don't say inexperienced words, throw a person too much!
"Your brain is just getting worse!Don't humiliate so a person!"Song in Chu sky reminds to turn a blind eye to people of Dou and continues to jump feet to lambaste:"Lao Tze defies, having ability doesn't be used remarkable talent!Otherwise I can use violence a machine!"
"Literally you!You although that strange form weapon is very special!But to me, than strong wood rod not how much!"The Gang Sa thunder Si cares nothing about of say.
"This is that you say!"Who don't also notice a silk of the flash across in the eyes of Chu sky song deceitful.Is superficial but stay calm and collected, a speech doesn't deliver of walk to three point two blades before the knife, stretched hand to pull out out, poured to take the Dian is in the hand Dian, took aim at the Gang Sa thunder Si!
You this is big silly to force!Lao Tze's weapon not only three points two blade knife 1 kind!
Ha ha, the brotherses guess Chu for sky how does the song deal with "gold just pretty good body" of the Gang Sa thunder Si?The book review area is too desolate, everyones speak much and more!End, routine beg a ticket!Is quick 10,000, the brotherses help!

The text chapter 82 street chases type and war absolute being ring
Renew time:2009-7-72:35:06 chapter word numbers:3656

"Connect to recruit!"
Song in Chu sky suddenly and violently drinks a , three points two blade knives sell like javelin but, under driving of overlord, longed Li, , becamed a wisp of black light, the Mao shotted into the Gang Sa thunder Si.
If is in the peacetime, song attack like this in Chu sky, the Gang Sa thunder Si affirmation avoided being seen, but he is gold just now pretty good body, just stretched out a left hand lightly a block.
Three points two blade knives well knocked down a wall of invisible, even the voices didn't send out, be nailed at air.The body that leaves the Gang Sa thunder Si returns foot to contain far half rice and quietly suspend where, the originally rare weapon involved in murder became an exhaustive dead thing!
On beckoning with the hand, the Gang Sa thunder Si's three points two blade knives falling of darling at his hand in.Once the hand of the Gang Sa thunder Si sink and came out one silk surprise on the sheet iron face, Dian the Dian weight say:"Sink so much!No wonder that the power is so big!Unexpectedly is what stars iron creates, regrettable ……"
His words haven't finished saying, at present a black, two pieces of plank bricks rush toward noodles since then!
Song in Chu sky of the second attackstone!
Three points two blade knives are just a curtain!Song in Chu sky ever since that time long tail, thoroughly become "the monkey Jing monkey Jing" of!The absolute being grants remarkable talent of severe he certainly knows and fasten absolute being boon to a gold to say, metal of the injury is basically immune!He threw three points two blade knives after, even is hesitant don't hesitate, direct squat down next body, dug two pieces of slab of stones to jilt to go out on the ground!
The Gang Sa thunder Si is used three points two blade knives soar to the skies shot ground two pieces of slab of stones, crushed stones is avoiding four to splash, see cover with slab of stone to dance in the wind!The plank brick of song in Chu sky attack arrived again.Play a with all strength launching of the superior in song in Chu sky this hurl under, these slab of stones beat to roll, turn over Related articles:

