
cnn ethod in the door c

The ground stares at.This isn't a fierce dragon however river, the bearer after unexpectedly defeating the last way in the Wan son long appears publicly to seek Wan son to have a competition, anything but generally vague generation, necessarily someone over of fighting skill.Now, he is a person Ao sword also Ao, see to him this sword, is also a pare iron like a double-edged sword of mire, good enough to to contend for Hui mutually with the soft form waist of the Wan son sword.He a bright sword after, just like one parties chivalrous man's style, say a voice:"Please!"The meaning is to invite Wan son first to recruit.
The small monster is also a Lin in the heart on seeing however.He lightly says to the Wan son:"Four younger sisters, he is very likely a terrible cutthroat, you hard want caution!"
The Wan son point nods to say:"I knew!"Equally is also to recruit first, a sword flatly and downwards stabs, the sword point doesn't stab a person but is to the ground, the sword Chi said 1:"Four young ladies, at under give offense to!"He a sword hit, the fast mordacity is uncanny, be not falsely recruit, but actually true at of actually recruit, a recruit good enough to with fight down opponent, it lie down the opponent, is the name matches the reality of the sword of cutthroat.
Wan son once the wrist turn, sword Shu however start to jump, "be" of a , will he this mordacity on warding off to open, is also that the sword is like lightning flashes, complies with the surrounding into recruit, keep the vital part of taking the other party.Sword Chi the reaction is also very of quick in action, "be" of a , also opened the sword of Wan son, a short moment of, both parties sword light flicker uncertain, a connect"be be be" two swords mutually touch of the sound is really a sword to annoy 100001000, the shadow of human figure maneuvers.The Wan son has already trembled the capability of oneself's 80%, the person,such as disease Yan, flies to soon and up and down seethe and suddenly returns to the disease, sword light more visit a dragon, the Jiao Jie is matchless.The characteristics of the west sword method in the door, be meet strong more strong, more can develop the power of the west sword method in the door, cross swords with general superior, on the contrary could not show the power that the western door sword method appears and disappears mysteriously.Because the west sword method in the door hasn't trembled the power that should have, the opponent has been already defeated, again what from develop?
This sword Chi, really compare the last way to grow on the sword method still better, and each on recruiting to hit, all is to actually recruit, have ambition at to kill an enemy to overcome, mordacity fast and matchless, have no a recruit is falsely recruit.The Wan son can say is cross swords with others, met with for the first time terrible opponent, the least bit don't dare as well the gist, the whole absolute being is in response to the enemy.
The group of heroes that watches on all sides, a sees dense as a blockly, be connect to a dollar and take charge of Tu to get empty with wood way long, also don't already see greatly for the consternation, from sigh not equal to this sword Chi of oneself's fighting skill, and also feel when the Mu permit four young ladies and top dollar to cross swords root useless make an effort, the Mu in nowadays permits four young ladies and just truely tremble she that unimaginable fighting skill!
Everyone doesn't know that both parties crossed swords how much round, sees the sword spirit maneuver, two regiment swords only gleam, and disappear both parties' shadow of human figure and also can not distinguish who is who.Suddenly, sees two the regiment swords only and suddenly and mutually match and"be" of a , shadow of human figure again Shu however separate, immediately sword light disappear, the both parties body form re-appears.Everyone stops and thinks a to see, sees sword Chi air downcast, an a double-edged sword in the his hand, have already fallen off on the ground, on the wrist but have blood drop, wood chicken the sort stay put!
People again see the Mu permit four young ladies, although temples hair have a little confused, is spirit stop and think carefree, absolute being Yun elegance, small fairy maiden sort aweather but sign, the gusset floats and permits surprised earthquake Wu Lin's little witch and re-appears the human life just like the Mu and make people the absolute being go toward pole!
The Wan son accepts sword to go into sheath to say:"Receive to accept to let more!"
Sword Chi any further have no just of overbearing pride, draw a deep sigh:"Four young ladies' sword methods really have the ghost absolute being the variety of the unpredictable, at under from recognize a sword method to cannot compare with, hurt admire sincerely to take orally!"Finish saying, pick it up sword with the left hand, and then say:"The some other day decrees by destiny, at under come to ask to four young ladies again."The speech fully jumps up but goes to, turning the eye has already disappeared its Zong.Obviously, he has already again had no Yan to stay the country villa drink alcohol at the goose Ling He life!
Wan Er makes him don't walk, small monster ten thousand in float to say:"Four younger sisters, you don't call, be call, he can't stay, either."
At this time, the west Feng in the door took a rightness of childrens to come over, all over the face joys the Wei ground smile to say:"The Mu permits the inherited in the family incomparable skill of house, indeed as expected is that the magic is consummate and matchless, the old and useless person can witness absolute being Yun for four young ladies to cross swords, really is three living lucky, greatly open new vista, the old and useless person doesn't waste as well 50-year-old this day!"
His daughter at the side of body west the snow mirth ground in door say:"Dad!This different wedding present of four young ladies, perhaps aller good than any wedding present!"
West Feng favour in the door says:"Is quite good!Is quite good!Really ratio what wedding presents all strong.Recruit type so miraculously, make the poise that people admire and respect, is more rare."
West the words of Feng in the door, can say is represent present mean to say in all public of words.Really, present great majority, have never seen the west sword method in the door, have never seen as well thus of cross swords a condition:Moving heart soul, moving, the life and death is in the in a moment, it make people hold breath quiet spirit,google, these are really a hundred years difficult strain for seeing cross swords a condition.In their heart what to admire more is a Wan son is a kind and pure heart, poise face an enemy, meet a strong enemy but won calmly but not proud,cnn, the sword bottom shows consideration, the condescension is polite, talk in proper form, and didn't°yet some Jiao crumple to build to make and make the public take orally.This is the Wan son to admire the group of heroes of place.
The Wan son sees in the public eyes under, on the contrary some Mian Tians get up, the momentary didn't know what just good.West in the door sees in the eye, to west Feng in the door say:"Hall lord, four young lady pain, let's still invite four young ladies to arrive saloon to sit down to take a rest!"
The west snow in the door says:"Dad!We still please four together go to grounds to sit, I think that the Niang also wants to see four young ladies."
"Like well,Facebook, that your 2 brother and sister, accompany little Zhang door and four young ladies to grounds to!"
Once the Wan son listen to, not from as if relieved of a heavy burden, dark pleased in the heart, she is worrying not to know how get away from a so a large crowd of lake personage of river, they seem to see the rare Jean thing sort looking at himself/herself and see oneself whole body of not pleasurable, she fears to meet with a condition like this most .Now the words of the west snow in the door, no less than make her set free from the embarrassing situation.West snow in the door come over Wan to wear her hand to say:"Four young ladies, you follow me!"
The Wan son lightly said 1:"The elder sister of snow, you are really good!"
West snow in the door is startled, temporarily not understand the Wan son talk of intention, ask:"Four young ladies, I good what?"
The Wan son slightly says again:"Because you saved me!"
This made the west snow in the door careless more for a while, wanted to ask again, the Wan son said:"The elder sister of snow, we walk quickly!"
After the their hand Wan hand leaves crowd, the west snow in the door cannot helps but asking:"Four young ladies, when do I have already saved you?"
"Just ah!"
"Just I am worrying not to know how leave this a lot of talented person good, isn't snow elder sister to make me go to a grounds, but get away from them?Didn't this equal to save me?"
West once snow in the door listen to, this just understood the meaning of Wan son and wearing a smilely asked:"Are you frightened in person's many places?"
"Certainly fear!An is my lookinging at of monkey sort, am I pleasurable?"
The west snow"Mao Chi" in door smiles all of a sudden, she feels these four young lady the fighting skill is astonishing, but personality top be like a young girl that hasn't yet a world, talk outspoken and innocent and interesting, the heart has no the least bit a city mansion and then says:"Four young ladies, this is the somebody else to esteem highly you and want to witness your elegant appearance."
"Thus I am just frightened, I prefer to their inattention I am just good, I just feel freely comfortable."
"Four young ladies, you frightened in person's many conditions of jollifications?"
"I ain't the condition that fears person's many jollifications, fears that all people all eye me, and it will make my whole body uncomfortable.Had better be that I see a person, people don't see me.The elder sister of snow, we pay a courtesy call on an aunt this time, had better have no too many people and also hope that the aunt doesn't take me as outsider and take me as your good friend, your younger sister is similar, with literally and then, I not frightened!"
The west snow in the door says with smile:"Like well, four young ladies, I will say with my mother a , then we arrive to walk and see in rear garden and have no outsider there, we can even literally discuss words.Isn't very good?"
"Certainly like!The elder sister of snow, you are really good!The meeting looks after so me. Related articles:

