
beats dr dre rry out ah rel

Help humans? !This is to help human beings ?This is to help ourselves ,our own !Humans and elves if destroyed, the next is certainly we orcs ,and we can independently demon, and no effective allies that only destroyed this way !His majesty could not have made such a mistake ,can not make such a mistake .
.. , relationresultWho do you think you are ,how dare you say that my father ,Munro supreme ruler ,infinite majesty won ,don !I see you are mad ,if humanity demon destroy the best ,just left us fighting demons after work ,those who hate the guy was killed ,the entire continent would be Munro .
We will pull the IELTS bless to defeat demons ,become the ruler of the land !! , relationresultFunny !Munro strong is not possible to beat the devil ,so putting humans and elves no matter ,actually bring about !And you have said ,I have no time and leave you ,let me see your majesty ,I must see the emperor ! , relationresultYou .
...According to let you dare talk to me, I am your commander ,my head you ,how dare you .... ,cheap beats by dre, relationresult...I don want to argue with you ,I see your majesty ! , relationresultHis majesty is you want to see can see ?.
...I see you have forgotten what ,to him to bring me down ,imprisoned ,in him before waking up with anyone not let him out !!! , relationresultWhen twopeople have been thoroughly red-eye ,although know Berg this command type rage induced ,but Pro guards are also not neglect ,even then carrying weapons to Kao BOT past .
relationresultItmust be tough ,resolute ,sergeant was born .Want to use force to make him convinced that is totally a joke, BOT eyes black mans diffuse ,was finished on the spot morph ,in halo moment ,he was angry and shouted: if you think the head than the dragon also hard words, and you will come up .
, relationresultAbsoluterepressive momentum moment control of the scene ,Prince pro who also did not think of bot will really in front of his men into battle .Dragon Sergeant fame is a symbol of victory and honor ,but this time ;but deep fear !relationresultBOTresponse was also Prince did not expect ;surprise after the greater anger went through my mind : you dare in front of me now out of combat, you really forget oneself ,as imperial soldiers how can you .
.. , relationresultPrincewords make BOT heart eagerly into irritability ,low majestic voice : I say no time and you talk ,take me to your majesty ! , relationresultThat is impossible, I was commander of you is my disposition ,I now do not allow you to see my father !Not allowed !You must obey me ! , relationresultPrinceattitude make tent quiet down ,several Munro officers have been dumbfounded ,those close to defend is more as the wood chicken ,this was not their fault, not everybody dare to dragon sergeant .
relationresultBOTto complete several deep breath ,with thoracoabdominal swelling ,countless flame color texts have flash : good ,you don notice !I ! Then ,the man suddenly sprung up sergeant ,straight in the tent top open a huge hole ,turned red shadow disappear in the air .
relationresultNo one would think ofBOT has done such a thing ,just arrived ,that his Bahai ,Mo Sagang good-looking to sergeant into the red shadow .Three people dead on the spot do not make any actions .
relationresultThe firstto react or Berg ,the proud prince felt his dignity hurt ,angry rants unthinkingly : command all master league ,who dare to BOT tissue transfer spell ,I confiscated his army dagger ,then killed him on the spot .
, relationresultIs ..... , relationresultAnd so on ,command military forces to arrest him . , relationresultArrest him? Capture the Dragon Sergeant! ?Your highness ,it ....Which military forces to carry out ah ? , relationresultWhat which discipline forces to implement ,of course is to make the military forces to arrest the team to perform ,there will be the case here reported Xindu ,let the teacher deal with this .
...The madman !! , relationresultIs , relationresultThe four chapter( today ,is up the day before yesterday ,tomorrow if there is no accident and has four chapters and fill the day before yesterday ,the ink is really something ,see accelerate understanding ,since it is the supplementary chapters also feel shy to see, but if you have it .
..Ha ha ha ha ) , relationresultThe three volume of the one hundred and forty chapter , relationresultPrinceanger was not Claes and Mo and the mind ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,they won military forces can hurt BOT ,will not believe that it is without rhyme or reason.
BOT to harm themselves ,by contrast is something else more worthy relationship ;Claes turned out of the tent to the arms of a sound Rune was said : BOT to the teleportation circle ,remember ;you don stop ,although you can .
..I want to say is ;start a transmission method of array, sending him to the city ! , relationresultBut the staff sergeant adults ,prince gave command ... , relationresultYou don give him the transfer ,will only make things worse ,than let him go to the metropolis ,majesty and day cut big talent is to shock his people ! , relationresultBut .
... , relationresultYou may transfer ,the rest of the things I will solve ! , relationresultIs , relationresultMunroCity , relationresultGod* * a special transmission method for array ,large white move out, then the formation of a fixed circle begins to rotate ,then head of double angle BOT came out .
relationresultHyphae emergereally shocked the presence of staff they can not seen dragon Sergeant combat ,suddenly saw a double angle up to five meters of warrior appeared ,that is the devil what department down ,immediately diffuse field sound weapon drawn .
relationresultFor such casesBOT have ignored the fundamental reason of loudspeaker shouted : confused corps soldiers head ;BOT ,to the audience . Then ,his eyes black energy somersault ,straight to the sky .
, relationresultUp until that timeBerg the news that came from the front ,is apparently the late !relationresultDespite all theMunro main battle force already in front of the palace guards ,but is still abnormal guarded .
Guards were suddenly saw flying a model fierce warriors, the nature in the heart is strained to the limit ,hand weapons drawn at the same time ;a loud alarm is sounded .relationresultBOTeven worry can not so rashly rushes in, a rotary body to the ground will be landing .
The feet are just touching the ground ,it is countless palace guard surrounded ,beats dr dre,pike Tomahawk have pointed to him .relationresultBOTside from the waist pull out the army dagger side openings in a way: confused corps soldiers head ,this is my army dagger .
I want to enter the palace to see the king ! , relationresultOfferID after guards is obviously a lot of calm, a like executive who dragged the out ,salute while opening: dragon Sergeant adults ,palace guards Sergeant salute you front door , relationresultSalute to you, I have something urgent to meet your majesty ,is urgent affairs ! , relationresultEmergency affairs ?You have a front-line command command or passage of the instrument ?I did not receive any of your palace of the command !Sergeant adults ,to enter the palace to prior reports of his majesty ,or by his commanding officer to inform .
....You is it right? Go back to your commander ;HRH Berg ... , relationresultI must go ! , relationresult.....Adults ,according to the rules you are not in the absence of any orders to enter the palace . Related articles:

