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The dint resumes a full value, and keep on 60 infinite full value statuses."
The system that the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan hangs hints to haven't rung out, but another two hints rang out and guarded with magic and guarded all on the life of material of my body because life and magic over low but be activated, I that just still only life and magic in 1:00 all in a twinkling resumed a full value.
After life value and magic resume a full value, the energy on my body seemed to be also to resume some, just still keep feeling a bit tired, a bit weak, this is also use that to recruit to forbid a skill of behind loose a certificate, basically, however recruit to forbid a skill or was used by us over there so much, and result also very satisfied, just don't know eldest brother eldest sister-in-law they are two how, hope reality in of they can't be subjected to influence.
BE hadn't ended by the combat over here, I can not also log out see eldest brother eldest sister-in-law they, otherwise their sacrifice white white wasted,beats by dre uk.
I slowly stood and turned round to looking at to pour have been already resumed on the ground originally the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan of appearance, then see him unexpectedly what don't explode 1 as well, feel a bit depressed, however I am also lazy to manage him, see the NPC robbers on all sides, with the not many brothers remained, I there and slowly walk toward the car brigade.
"!!"I come out to have no toward the car brigade how far, my after death and suddenly spread a cake of huge shout, the voice seems spread in the absolute being the corpse position direction of Long Cheng's castellan of, and the voice still has some voice like the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, but he not is hang?
I twist the direction that the head spreads toward the voice to see go, sees the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan unexpectedly slowly climb from the ground, he that has already returned zero of the life be unexpectedly worth and fly to fastly resume and turn an eye to resume back full value,beats dr dre, seem just he didn't hang similar, just before of change body still disappear, current of he is still the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan of the form status of person.

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Text broken up unreal deathless seven dragonses become chapter 636 plain bloody battle(eight)
Renew time:2009-9-2319:31:18 chapter word numbers:4183

Broken up unreal deathless seven dragonses become chapter 63 plain bloody battle(eight)
Correct mistake:front a lot of chapters all write the S class technical ability night of leading role unique, modify to come over here, everyone knew to go for a while.
The absolute being Long Cheng's castellan looking at to die and returned to life, my in the mind became to become one regiment indiscriminately and had never thought this absolute being Long Cheng's castellan to unexpectedly still have the ability of resurrection, the strenuous effort of that eldest brother eldest sister-in-law white discard, they also white hanged once, now on this plain also leave his/her own one to own a war capability, rest brothers although still having is several,they deal with a common robber probably useful, deal with the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan that is a little use all have no, but my a personal affirmation can not deal with the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan.
"Ha ha, wanting to kill me can have no so easily."The absolute being of the dead but resurrection Long Cheng the castellan after etc.ing life to resume the full value immediately roar with laughter and completely take no cognizance my existence.
"Since can kill you once, so can definitely kill you second time."Looking at the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan overbearing appearance, I also annoy him however, immediately want to try very hard to with him.
"Previous your battle wears a person much, but left your a person just now, other persons again have no can not get into this plain, you with what kill me."The absolute being Long Cheng's castellan a my biggest appearance looking at me, from its look in the eyes, I can very clearly see him is slighting me.
"The relief matches a body!Take back a white emperor!Invoke Long Huang!Long Huang matches a body!"I didn't and that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan is up many useless talks, directly match a body the white emperor of body relieved to match a body, and take back it, then re- invoked Long Huang to come out, took a rest so long-term Long Huang in the Huan monster space, before the injury suffered from also instauration ground about, after being re- invoked by me, and then immediately matched a body, became the scales and shell on my body.
"Replace a Huan monster to match a body, you can not also win me.Ha ha the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan looking at my whole actions, didn't care and allowed me to continue to carry on.
"Hum!Divine power dragon!"I also on bed terms absolute being Long Cheng's castellan say more, cold hum a , immediately use the real strenght that divine power dragon promotes an oneself, promotes the attribute of decuple for an hour, can make my attack dint stronger, regrettable divine power dragon can not relieve I am forbidden evil status, otherwise I ground the attack dint will be stronger.
"Long Bian in the sky!"Light divine power dragon promotes of decuple attribute, I also impossibly polish off the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan in an hour.So I directly used dragon in the sky to become last again class technical ability eventually Long Bian in the sky, this is also a recruit from hurt an enemy 1,000.Is 800 technical abilities from the Sun, with from decline ten classes of grades to exchange to promote centuple ability for a minute.Lin Lei
"Ao Long Bian in the sky just sent out, Long Bian in the sky on the my hand immediately sent out repeatedly Long Ling, and seven Long Hun in the dragon bead on the sword body immediately flowed out to move.In succession from Long Zhu in escape from but.Starts rounding sky Long Bian on the my hand to revolve, then those dragon souls become more and more big, as if seven color tornados are similar to round a sky of Long Bian revolve, and gradual toward my hand up tie up to round to come up, soon wrap up my whole individuals all at those seven color tornados in.
"Continue to send out Long Ling in Ao that tornado, Long Ling Di Wei certainly compares with the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan to become after death and emanatively more severely, severely to the back of the resurrection ground the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan all felt some frightened, want to take advantage o me haven't changed the body complete attack in me, however his attack hasn't arrived and then changed to round the tornado outside my body to blocked to go out.
"The Ao is again a burst of Long Ling to ring out.I feel that Long Bian in the sky on the my hand suddenly disappeared from me at this time, and I ground the body took place to change, just now I ground the view has already been blocked by those seven color tornados, although seven color tornados can't harm me, but hold up my view.Let I what can not see.Can by dint of the absolute being knows to understand to some varieties, my body seem just the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan change body similar.Becoming big is some, and the palms all became the palm of growing the beneficial claw, the flesh on the body seemed to be thick at the same time many, still grow a some trifles of scales at the same time.
In order to becoming after death, the body became big a lot, original the that tiger wing suit officer on the body take unexpectedly drive strong supported to split, press say that this kind of material that can automatically enlarge to narrow should not will appear circumstance ground like this, but appeared now, and I can clearly feel is be supported crack, but Long Huang became scales and shell some affairs all have no, this making me be unlikely will become**status.
Soon I feel not only body long scales and shell, even have heads some varieties, however O.K. isn't those hard thick scale A, and the just facial muscle became hard thick some, at the same time head up seem also some variety.
"The variety on the Ao body makes me feel repeatedly ache, just beginning can also bear with, but along with change more and more, and body variety ground more and more strong, I also started to be difficult bearing with and sent out to roar to soothe ache, however I sent out ground, the interjection unexpectedly became Long Ling Bo 's ground to roar.
"Ba----Dragon----Sky----Is unique-break!"The absolute being Long Cheng's castellan sees the defense that can not break seven color tornados,cheap beats by dre, hence immediately sent out strongly technical ability to attackstone, the gold gun in the hand again became huge group leader, and took the furious wind of mightiness strafed to come over toward me, at we middle of the sandstones was all strafed to come over together by those furious winds.
"Night!"I have already changed at this time the body complete, although seven color tornados haven't disappeared,I have been able to counter-attack, Long Bian in the sky although the attribute that promotes a hundredfold, and previous divine power dragon promotes of decuple, that be not 11000% enlarge, but turn over to multiply by 100000% abilities on the original foundation, harm all of a sudden my real strenght explode to rise to even I can not control by myself of situation, however looking at absolute being Long Cheng the castellan facing send out a strong dint attack by himself/herself, I certainly can't stand so to make him beat Related articles:

