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Reaction, but coldly looking at food for powder to start should to these cutthroat of anti- rush toward.But if someone now at he nearby of words, will discover, Chen Xuan Chu grips the hand of bridle and hilt of a sword, but is suffused with white because once making an effort is big, and from Chen Xuan Chu's mouth in often spread a burst of to indulge in arguments a voice.Chen Xuan Chu this is enduring and endures own impulse, the speed of these cutthroats is too quick, he has to wait until a per shot to necessarily kill of opportunity.
There is no Chen Xuan Chu's help, those cutthroats also want to face the attack of more than 30 well-known scholars soldier, and these soldier's a s are all red and red double eye, even if is some drive the cutthroats vital part in sting, but still run out oneself to attackstone the other party on the last strength of body.Those cutthroats have never seen thus ferocious soldier as well and also accidentally lose in succession, continuously have soldier spread with the cutthroat of bellow a voice to ring out.The person of battlefield has already been getting lesser and less, gradually, those cutthroat finally also leave that cutthroat leader one person, and those soldiers also only haven't arrive 10 people.
That cutthroat leader has already been considering now whether want to withdraw, in fact in the Yin after dying to allow Wei, the cutthroat leader has already wanted and withdrawn, after all thief's soldier relied on by them has been already run away now.The threat with no thief's soldier, that of guard a soldier will rush out at any time, thought of that bow and arrow hand arrows Shi within hand of city head, the in the mind of cutthroat leader not from must beat to have to back a drum.
But what to don't thought of BE, city head there unexpectedly some reactions all have no, the cutthroat leader just thinks of this time and look like a city south the bow and arrow camp of the city return a king to also rule over.King is also what person, this intelligence report cutthroat leader early there knew from his main son, make sure king is also can't the city rescues Chen Xuan Chu, the cutthroat leader also wants to give° Chen Xuan Chu to polish off naturally, and this is also a great achievement.
Is original according to his conceive, although the other party occupies number advantage, after all after a terrific fight, these common soldiers should be very tired, but they although the person is little, all process sternly train of superior, this battle bottom goes, should be the situation for completing victory.But he ten thousand ten thousand don't thought of, these common soldier's unexpectedly a with life mutually Bo, till the last and unexpectedly kill left his a person for, so start rising to back an idea again naturally now.
The cutthroat wants to walk, but those have already killed red the soldier of eye is to don't agree, see an enemy just only one left, that doesn't arrive 10 people's soldiers to all become overdo, the full face ferociously looking at an enemy.However the cutthroat can have no quilt, these soldier's cruelty visions frightens to pour, although these soldier's ferocious degree has already far and far outrun his to anticipate outside, but he still has confidence to escape from these surrounding of soldiers of, however still have a problem, that is the station at him after death of Chen Xuan Chu.
Chen Xuan Chu of severe, just had with Chen Xuan Chu several times exchange blows of he has already really known, and from just beginning, Chen Xuan Chu hasn't been beginning.He is understand, Chen Xuan Chu this is waiting for oneself peeping out flaw,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, and he also believes, if he wants to escape, Chen Xuan Chu is also absolute meeting in the most decisive time make moves.So, he secretly make decision, that is to want to cheat to take Chen Xuan Chu to make moves and blocked this sword, he had absolute confidence break out of to living a sky.
The cutthroat leader of making a firm decision right away and then starts acting, the legs are made an effort one Deng, seem don't notice oneself at all after death of Chen Xuan Chu general, compete first killed toward those food for powders pass by.Those soldiers didn't also thought of in this case, the other party dared also take the offensive on one's own initiative, but also was only a Leng just a little for a while, they who killed a red eye how can care again whether the other party compete first takes the offensive and use in succession the weapon in the oneself's hand toward the enemy's vital part part stab pass by.
The cutthroat leader right away and then brandishes to begin a medium bayonet, jingle a burst of wild blow, but is to stab those to all play to open to own weapons, he has already hurtled at this time to those soldier of before the horse.In this time, at his after death and suddenly rang out a burst of sharply break an empty voice, he knows right away, Chen Xuan Chu made moves!
Immediately returning is overdo, but is see Chen Xuan Chu, Gao Gao Yue, since, the Qing begins medium lance, if the Yuan is a cinereous vulture sort, fiercely the facing killed to come over by himself/herself.Although just a Chien is simple list of assassinate action, Chen Xuan Chu Xu power already a long time, that speed is compatibly certainly all outstanding, turn an eye, that lance sword point has already stabbed the in front of cutthroat leader, the target keeps pointing his throat!
The cutthroat leader didn't also thought of that Chen Xuan Chu's sword is unexpectedly so quick, at that moment threw the bayonet in the hand and tried deceleration for a while Chen Xuan Chu's speed.But Chen Xuan Chu unexpectedly even avoid don't avoid as well, freed to that bayonet that sends forth blue sharp point of You to directly stab to win own chest, in the eye but is that the cold idea is more heavy, the lance in the hand still stabs toward the other party.
However this cutthroat leader also not is be easy to of generation, in this turning point, sees his hands suddenly on matching, at the right moment clip tightly is stabbing toward own lance, the body also follows hereafter a to back at the same time,Beats Solo HD.With bare hands go into knives!This is very and dangerous on recruiting, unexpectedly make him make out in this time, and still successfully dissolved necessarily killing of Chen Xuan Chu a recruit,Beats Detox.
Is successful!Is a burst of to rejoice with wild joy in the cutthroat leader heart, successfully blocked this after recruiting, Chen Xuan Chu has already won his/her own bayonet as well, shortage for fear to.But after death of the soldiers are more to be not likely to hold up himself/herself, he wants to escape that is absolutely have no problem!The task this time successfully ends, the cutthroat leader seems and then imitates after Buddha saw return to, the lord son appreciates for own a great deal of, in the eye not from must peep out one silk greedy.But when he raises head to hope toward Chen Xuan Chu of the in front, explode to project in the other party eyes of algidity but is to make him tremble with fear, seem to feel to have what far from good affair will take place.
Sees originally dint Jie already of Chen Xuan Chu, suddenly and in the sky once the body twist and grasp the hand of lance but is on the hilt of a sword on pressing, for an instant, another lance from be held tight by the cutthroat leader of among the lance to take out out.Chen Xuan Chu just in the sky one turn over a body, but is again stabbed toward the chest of that cutthroat leader second sword.This sword doesn't have bar ground chest that once wore an enemy, that cutthroat leader the greed in the eye have already disappeared at this time, he hobbles ground to fall back several steps, the unwilling nature of full face's lookinging at has already fallen off to fall at Chen Xuan Chu on the ground and mumblingly say:"Son, son, son mother sword!"Finally fall down dead at ground up.
Seeing the enemy has already been exterminated, those soldier face up of ferocious also slowly fade away, hurriedly dismount to run to Chen Xuan Chu start to hand nearby he.Chen Xuan Chu at this time face up have already started presenting one silk the black spirit is obviously the evidence that was poisoned.Chen Xuan Chu is sad on smiling, toward a few food for powders of in front to say:"Everybody!The big enemy has been already reported!I and go with the commander in chief!"Finish saying, but Chen Xuan Chu is the handle bayonet that grasps and remains a sting in the chest, fiercely stabbed again for a while, but was to let the edge of knives of the whole bayonet all submerge his chest, finally took the smiling face of one face, slowly poured at ground up.
"General!"One stem the soldier see Chen Xuan Chu to commit suicide but is arrestment too late, one is sad after shouting, together and together picked up own weapon, be placed in with the Feng blade once his/her own throat put on and all pour at ground up, but is the surroundings that was in the article of death to still need to protect at Chen Xuan Chu.
The one of city head is silent, already a setting sun under the west at this time, this war, also thoroughly end in this time.
PS:Is to finish writing on the whole, leading role of first war!Before feel this war writes some dalliances, but arrived an end, the but again felt some careless.

Completely inexperienced in society chapter 30 quarrels
Renew time:2010-2-2213:25:55 chapter word numbers:3930

"The misses on board hey!Come out to meet guest Luo!"
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