
Facebook s and cloud bead is

, Inside black pull positive bead of 2."
"The emperor offers reward, the gold spends before the hat two, Qian five wait east bead is 2."
"The emperor offers reward, on rounding, gold Qian's coralline item's turn's Qian the second class east bead is five, five etc. east the bead is 2."
"The emperor offers reward ……"
Is only at embroider expensive Pin to connect Jin overnight Be x-rated to permit for Zhao,Facebook, is second only to empress and three madams.Zhao instrument, all people all dare not believe, such a person with of humble condition and ugly facial appearance unexpectedly can get emperor such doter, and the slaves are also profusion of different opinionses.They know in the night of Mid-Autumn, the emperor abandons most for the quiet madam of doter but at don't spring palace love ugly embroider expensive Pin, but no one knows that the real reason is among them.
An even on the fifth, the emperors all come in person Pian dance Ge, the love embroiders Zhao to permit, even next over early toward go straight to Pian dance Ge, with of the chitchat enjoy tea to the Yi.Come to Pian dance everyday the Ge visits of small lord and imperial concubine form a continuous stream more, in a short instant, embroidering the power head that the Zhao permits will calm down the madam's ray of light to press down.
Hope present Pian dance Ge, already dissimilarity the past days.But I worried, the sharp point finishes dewed to attack front and rear very easily, besides cloud bead's party in government court don't be able to support her backing at all, very dangerous.
"I am really curious, how do you overnight let to embroider Zhao to permit to is in favor."The month of south curiously pushes I inquire in the bed Ta, full face in hopes of I will tell her.
Smile a to smile, will slip away into sheet between the waists to upwards pull, "the empress is original for a born beauty, a toward being in favor very usually."
Her white my one eye, "you will elaborate me and early know not to ask."She moves she's position, again dynasty I closed to some, in whisper ask:"You exactly is embroider Zhao to permit of what person, why work oneslf to the bone so ground to help her?Relatives?Elder sister?"
I cautiously hope her facial expression and want to look for clues from it, "you thought to be many, as long as lord the son receive great favors, the slave certainly also shared in reflected glory."
She is tiny to lower the head, lightly shake head, "you think that she can receive great favors how long, a month?Half year?Here after temple 3,000 beauties in, how much oriole Yan, but empress since have no Qing a life time beautiful looks, have no powerful supporter more, eventually will be forgotten by the emperor."
"Do you deeply have emotional stirrings?"The words listenned to her, I am just surprised to feel her little bit also remarkable, she exactly is what identity, arrive at a Pian dance Ge to have again what purpose?
"Sleep."Her climb-down my bed Ta, that for an instant, I see one Shan but lead in her Mou of glow-in-the-dark, my doubt again deepens.Everything seems to be all to hurtle toward cloud bead, so cloud bead exactly because does He Shi ignite a body?She discovered what secret secret?Among them of thousand silk 10000 wisp how could I not manage one threads as well.
See with the intelligent wisdom and ability that the Qi blesses, can't not know the greed of Qi star.The so current Qi star is being placed in an overhanging cliff edge, as long as the Qi blesses to make a firm decision to push away him, he will sink into the ground of everlasting perdition.But this in the last years, Qi's blessing not only has never begun to deal with the elder brother who has threat very much to oneself, on the contrary will work properly princess Yue to grant Be married to Han Ming, he doesn't afraid Han Ming change sides in war and connect into a front line with Qi star to deal with him?He exactly wants to do what, does cloud bead fight with this temple Wei and have a connection?
The sandalwood inside the Ge repeatedly comes into nostrils, the gold Ni censer remaining smoke is curling up in the air to lightly spread, cover with on all sides, and the feeling of the sweet arises spontaneously.The emperor descended early Ge toward arriving at a Pian dance again sit of a while, suddenly rise unexpectedly with embroider Zhao to permit bureau is to the Yi chess.I wait upon in a side, the vision has been staying around as well in the chess bureau, she already connect lose three bureaus, this fourth bureau afraid is again want fiasco, the emperor uses to lead accounting of snake hole to strive for to step by step guide into she to own trap, the end forces her white son into place of doom.
"Do not have fun, and then lose."Embroider Zhao to permit to throw the pawn in the hand into box, mutually touching of the pawn, send out a clear and crisp voice to ring.
The emperor starts to hang up a to smile, "your chess skill still slightly owe degree of heating."The Chinese jade Bi that pickeds up a hand side cup, small suck fragrant tea.
I looking at two of them in peace and harmony sweetly get along with, in the heart of happy but lead more bitter and astringent, the situation like this is like four year agos."Begs this present life ability the companion is in the miss and lord the son don't have no nearby beg" of cloud bead still makes me remember still up to now lately, our Sa weighs to gather small Ge again now, although you don't know me, ability companion at you nearby, this present life I as well have no Han.Now, the Qi blesses and cloud bead is my main son.
"If the emperor can win snow sea, the minister Qie concedes defeat."She suddenly started to once pull my hand and slightly pushed me to emperor's in front.
Emperor as if deep in thought the ground hoped my one eye, "is she the slave that violates openly a quiet madam that day?"The sharp vision back and forth beats to turn on me, I flurriedly lower the head to get around his vision, " is exactly a maidservant."
"Your courage is still really big."His voice's seeming to be forever is all elegantly simple like water, pleasant breeze far and near, could not listen to pleased Nu, this is his most terrible place.
"Your Majesty, in fact that day is a quiet madam first ……" I want to give circumstance and dish in that day, I am very affirmative, and cloud bead the slightest has never defended for himself in front of him.
"Like, empress temple these are fragmentary of matter I have no interest to know."Mix up with in the voice don't bear of color, obviously he is early clear this empress the temple imperial concubine mutually fighting of strive for power, he just ignores."Keep my next bureau company."
I not and naturally sit down, the body is on the chair lightly moved in a short while.I have never once thought, can face to face together sit with him to the Yi today and shiver to take out a white son from the box and slightly fall in the chessboard exact center.
This bureau, we descend a hour just be over, I lose him ten sons."Emperor the chess skill is consummate, the slave dedicates ugly."My instant starts from the chair.
He leans on half of the body sit properly and small and softly conjecture me, vision intensely hot bright person.The my center of palm, forehead has already overflowed cold sweat.What be he exactly is seeing?
Cloud bead also discovers this peculiar atmosphere and quickly makes a noise to break, "emperor, her chess skill is quite good?"
"Really not bad, but, isn't a chess skill, but idea."He the Xi Mou remain on the prowl on my face, " simultaneously wants to consider how should to I of offensive, another part still need to consider how to don't wear trace ground to lose to me."
The words finished listenning to him, I not language, be regarded as to recognize tacitly.Although his chess skill is extremely rated as a, if I win he at wanting little confidence also.But he after all is 95 of the emperor king of , if I make an effort carelessly won him, Long Yan great anger, and then want to drag along me next go to Zhang responsibility 60 greatest planks.I can have no that courage to challenge the emperor's dignity.
"I make you endow with phrase 1 now."He suddenly rise, again intentionally made difficulties for a ground of 1.
My heart descends in a state of drift, then the side head hopes cloud bead, but sees her thin to smile to nod, signaling hint me can endow with a phrase.I take back view and shut an eyelid quietly, that presents in my brain for an instant of is the day of Mid-Autumn, cloud bead is at the Chi Chi in the courtyard on guard lonely figure, Shu however open an eyelid, take off to sing:
The fallen petal dances in the wind, the cold light Lue copies light Luo Shan.
Lean on a door to hope, the Ning Mou thinks language, the Yu Yu Shang beauty.
Is gloomy to look back, the cockboat is suffused with water water empty flow.
The wild goose list flies, the tears fall seamless, the windy and rainy soul flies a bitterness.
My orotund Jia however, suddenly dead silent have no voice inside the Ge, but see the Qi bless to suddenly play a body but rise, "your phrase, haven't finished endowing with."This is surprised cloud bead, also surprised I.We the ground of Zheng Zheng hope emotion to just a little have some motion of he.
"Your Majesty, slave has already finished endowing with."I recover mood, once the Qian Xi smile and keep the Tai of nature.
He relentless stares at me, don't give up, the Qi opens lips to want to ask again, but have a is spread by the outside than his faster voice:"Your Majesty, quiet madam at resist a garden to faint."
Emperor finally still with calm down the madam's slave Zhi Be pure to in a hurry leave, I am to sneer at a to smile and faint this to lend although isn't enough fresh, but he still went to.The option blesses a body in the Qi top be not?Because he cares her, even if knew to is a leave,still chose to go to.Embroider Zhao to permit be not specially care him of leave, probably she thinks that the boon that get now's spoiling has been enough many, she is really easily contented.
She vomits a cool spirit, lightly depend the embroidered coverlet sable hair chair up, seem to be tired.I the going to her nearby and slightly hold a pair of shoulders for her and let her mollify tired Tai.
"You that phrase not yet finished?"Her voice is very deep and low, this that the Fu seem to be dimly discernible not true

