
Beats by Dr Dre studio in the sky just t

Slightly scared to be defeated and flee things ,or the destruction of the Vincennes urgently from center out of the scene ,he is known to be crystal clear .relationresultI thought Lin Yuanqing a lifetime to Chu not to marry, did not think of her as a wanton woman ,Xiang Chu had disappeared for five years ,she started to look for a new boys .
But Qin days if not to sell her account ,make a fool of oneself . , relationresultAlthough Ning Shungangknew that Lin Yuanqing went to the house ,that Lin Yuanqing said from the living things out ,but he did not know Lin Yuanqing in the specific habitat with what Qin Tianzong said .
relationresultReminiscent ofLing Phyl cultivation waters nine days ,rather Shungang more solid their guess ,it is the home of angry water nine days is Lin Yuanqing sharing out, which he congratulated himself these days not in the house .
relationresultQin vertical-day ,tomorrow ,I will let you taste the pain of death ,and make you completely out of broken Yunfeng ,Yuntao in only rather Shungang ! Ning Shungang nervously automatic speaking for a while after ,hands suddenly blew out a cloud of fire from the gate ,pass by to her maid to burnt to ashes .
relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultChapter 159th body soft armor ( three seeking monthly ) , relationresultWhenthe distant horizon was a dawn ,Qin days if light , relationresultGentlyexhale a mouthful of foul air .
! he knows ,every three months in the wind , relationresultCloudarena has finally arrived .relationresultSuccessfully promoted toHunyuan exit warrior ,the Challenge Cup , relationresultAlready toQin Tianzong without any pressure .
relationresultOnly spentone night ,Qin days if with new , relationresultPower.relationresultAt the same time,Qin Tianzong put the burn reached eight , relationresultTheHunyuan throughout the realm ,today he is going to burn eight , relationresultBarren with all the challengers ,thoroughly to erect their own power , relationresultThe letter.
relationresultWang Xiaoyao,Luo Sumei and Teng Biao early in the morning and rushed to the cloud , relationresultTaoHouse ,just three people but the face is not very good .relationresultBecause Lin Yuanqinghad said ,absolutely will not let Qin Tian , relationresultLongitudinalhave got one to live in the house ;and Ning Shungang also called , relationresultNoisein a Yuntao only he had the qualifications to live in .
relationresultOnCultivation of broken Yunfeng top two individuals to Qin talented hair , relationresultOut of thechallenge ,Qin Tianzong the big brother position still keep , relationresult?relationresultThistwo days ,breaking Yunfeng on the topic with eristic and most is , relationresultIsthe arena ,almost no one about Qin days if ,relationresultItis Wang Xiaoyao ,Luo Sumei and Teng Biao is no exception .
relationresultBig brother ,or we give up ,to bear in life , relationresultAh,I those people in the arena by grinding . The king of Judah :relationresultRelaxationafter half a day ,hard sound console Qin vertical-day tract .
relationresultBig brother ,but this situation challenge match not to call help , relationresultHand.Otherwise let leaf Wu play, ten Ning Shungang are not enough , relationresultLook,but allow you to peace Shungang words ,which is , relationresultSeveralrealm ,this can not play .
.. ... Teng Biao , relationresultIn the sidetried to discourage Road ,he said to Ye Wu, between the lines , relationresultStrengthis extremely respected .relationresultStop ,you give me stop ! See Wang Xiaoyao three , relationresultEarly in the morning tothe home ,had not come to cheer myself up , relationresult,but to persuade themselves out, Qin days if forehead , relationresultOut ofa black line .
relationresultLuo Sumei hasno mouth ,was Qin Tianzong called him up , relationresult, the three of you together, I think you can take me , relationresultA few action! , relationresultHearthe words of Qin Tianzong ,Wang Xiaoyao three people at the side , relationresult,big brother is not because of his few words and angry be ashamed , relationresultRage,so that in an angry word ?relationresultBig brothera Lingwu environmental practitioners ,whether to win their own , relationresultThree of them foranyone to say ,still call themselves , relationresultThree peopletogether? , relationresultQin Tianzong sawWang Xiaoyao three personal expression, he immediately , relationresultGuess thethree person innermost thoughts ,heart not by contract , relationresultArrayuncomfortable feeling ,as one of his allies didn , relationresultHis strength,his life was too failed ?relationresultBut this also blamethe king at three individuals ,to blame only , relationresultQindays if their strange ,who let his strength as a thousand li a day ,relationresultTo the kingat three people did not know his real strength , relationresult?relationresult,watch this ! Qin days if not do more to explain ,relationresultDirecta fireball in Xiaoyao blew past the king .
relationresultWang Xiaoyaohad originally thought that Qin talented but is Lingwu exit repair , relationresultAsfor Qin Tianzong ,he is a muddy don ,but when he , relationresultFeel thefireball contains rich really yuan forces, he is not , relationresultBe startled at.
relationresultWang Xiaoyaowas surprised at the same time ,quickly with his fans to arrive , relationresultRetainingball .relationresultLook out.Wang Xiaoyao just to resist Qin Tianzong ,Beats by Dr Dre studio, relationresultThe ball,he heard Luo Sumei and Teng Biao speak with call .
relationresultWang Xiaoyao not belooked up, want to see Qin days if from nothing , relationresultItplaces on their attack .relationresultButWang Xiaoyao in turn in a circle is also not found , relationresultThe figure of Qin Tianzong,the king is not by the hair mist ,big brother , relationresultWith theirfight, how and under the banner of Ran ?relationresultWhen Wang Xiaoyaothought Qin Tianzong had gone out ,relationresultHe was surprised to seeLuo Sumei and Teng Biaozheng face eccentric at , relationresultAt hisdirection ,holding hands, mouth ,like yourself , relationresultWhat is themost unbelievable place .
relationresultThen Wang Xiaoyaofelt a tremendous power from , relationresultYourass from behind ,then he can himself to fly , relationresultUp.relationresultThis time,Wang Xiaoyao to react ,Tian Qin , relationresultLongitudinaldid not leave, but has been at the forefront of his body , relationresultLater,but he did not find the talented .
relationresultboth of you ! Qin Tianzong kick fly King , relationresultHappy,also is the two fireball at Luo Sumei and Teng Biao threw over , relationresultGo to.relationresultLuo Sumeiand Teng Biao tried to resist the fire at the same time ,can not , relationresultLiveoff to see Qin Tianzong body ,after all, just Qin vertical-day kick , relationresultFWRfree that foot impressed them too deep , relationresultThe.
relationresultBut Luo Sumeiand Teng Biao soon know anchor ,relationresultBut wrongvery outrageous ,Qin days if played two fireball after ,relationresultThese armschest was standing still ,and with a smile , relationresultLook at them.
relationresultTeng Biao andLuo Sumei distracted Kung Fu ,they have , relationresultSuffer.relationresultQin Tianzong throwsthe two fireball in the sky just to , relationresultSeveralclusters of small ball, as the heavenly maids scatter blossoms.
Generally ,Teng Biao , relationresultAnd Luo Sumeiis enclosed by .relationresultLuo Sumeiokay ,Qin days if considering she is a girl ,relationresultNotunder the heavy hand .relationresultBut Teng Biaois miserable, over a dozen fire , relationresultOncombustion ,just for a moment ,he the naked ,relationresultAshamedof he quickly hid inside the side wing .
relationresultbig brother show mercy ,the original big brother culture , relationresultSoprofound, you get bitter ! Narrowly escaped , relationresultAfterseeing Teng Biao ,Luo Sumei just embarrassed, her white , relationresultTemporaryon the forehead by a layer of sweat ,was respectfully towards , relationresultQindays if ring road . Related articles:

