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, Should be regarded as from get married, the Yao Yi expresses disaffection in the heart to him for the first time.
Although because his request and order, , from she ask the big eye of anger idea ray of light, the eastern Si Xuan sees come out, the Yao Yi doesn't very not understand to his outlying words and actions.
Just, and then have which wife can see to the husband's affairs if don't see?
Eastern Si Xuan suddenly a smile.Know Yao Yi the meeting gets angry because of his affairs and far compare her cool and silent want to must make him satisfied.
Before will there is sweetheart, because he feels that the Yao Yi always wants to keep distance with him, but living his heart dissatisfied-because of, he is a men, need chemisette gentleness and enthusiasm.
Think and he the eastern Si Xuan wants what kind of woman have no, but one of his heart, unexpectedly will be subjected to Yao Yi long-term of have no speech to suppress and neglect apathy, he is been penned to by person narrow room sort of suffered.
So, even if he doesn't want to hurt her, but at she the attitude for conniving under, he finally jilt to open loyalty between husband and wife and starts to keep those women who send out passionate invitation to him in the outside Huan.
He knows way of doing like this not to, so, even if he the body side woman's innumerable, but, he still gentleness treat her, still keep treating her as an only one wife.
Just, for long time and Yao Yi that kind of the relation of stranger's sort, but have been teaching him the heart to living ailment, also teaching him how to think he will be very likely to will spend with Yao Yi with the way like this endless whole life.
Luckily, she is an unexpected nightmare, let 2 people's relation include a change,beats by dre studio hd.
"Next time not wants to be again so doesn't matter, also not want again neglect my existence, know not to know?"The eastern Si Xuan lightly starts to hang up her Han, the Ning enters her eye.
His words teach Yao Yi startled-she opens widely an eye.
"Having no man can accept cuckoldry to coolly treat.So as long as you would like to, you can stand out and those women who have me, all give a kick."
Looking at her Ya however the red lips of tiny piece, the eastern Si Xuan Qin smiles and lowers the head to kiss to ascend her lips.
"Even if you have to threaten them and threaten them, I also have no opinion.Even, you can also ascend door to send a punitive expedition." Wear her lips, Si Xuan soft-voiced light language.
"As long as you no longer treated coldly my heart, didn't relate to with how you do."Because, he wants of just she to his sincerely cordiality.
Thought of this morning, 2 people the intimacy of the accident, the eastern Si Xuan smiles the satisfaction of Yang heart bottom.
At this time-
"Eastern Sir?Eastern Sir?"The pager equipments in the elevator spreads to keep intact the urgent call sign that the room grows.
Just he just saw eastern Sir and madam together step into elevator;But now, elevator all already straight up 30th floors, but he hasn't been seeing 2 people coming out.
"Eastern Sir, you are all right?Eastern Sir!?"Keep intact room long again and again the hasty voice call.
Disappear a response, keep intact room long already the hasty center of palm emit sweat.If at the beginning, this all establishes to record image device, that he can know the condition in the elevator, he is urgently fierce to rub hands.
Hear keep intact the hasty voice that the room grows to call, the eastern Si Xuan smiles to take back to control elevator to close the door to press button of hand.
Greatly open in the elevator door of, the eastern Si Xuan stretches hand to hug the slender waistline of hugging the Yao Yi, she together with she tread an elevator and walk toward office.
From the monitor, see 2 people the safety come out and keep intact room to grow this just steady next anxious heart, beat hair to drop to round because of strain at nearby of room member, return to seat to continue to supervise and control of work.
"You?"The original slight anger idea in the Tang Yao Yi's eyes, make him suddenly hug to hug action with just of words to surprised live.
"Remember the words that you just said."His eyebrow eye tiny Yang, the lips Cape Qin smiles.
"I?"Have in the clear eye perplexity with don't understand.
"You say-" marches forward of, he the doubt of lo the Yao Yi heart bottom.
Be like make her think of she just of words, eastern Si Xuan live an advanced step, the Fu bottom printed a to kiss on her rosy lips.
"I am yours."He is evil to smile light Yang.
"You!"The Yao Yi powder cheek is suffused with red.
He hugs her to walk to Secretariat doorway.
"As long as you no longer neglect me and no longer look on coldly to see my outlying the whole words and actions, I-" takes no cognizance numerous surprised visions in the Secretariats, eastern Si Xuan to top she slightly shows the black Tong of panic, eye Yang You deep Mou light, press near her ear side, speak an asseveration that has never exported:"It is yours."
So beautiful but moving sweet prattle, in addition to Tang Yao Yi, the nobody cans hear.
But, even if the nobody hears, the intimacy that sees 2 people differ with the past days at the moment tightly depends and also be the admiration of other watch from the sidelines of all office clerks.
"You ……is what you said true?"The Yao Yi black bright eyes inside, Shan together dazzling ray of light.
Station stand body, the eastern Si Xuan smiles the feeling of seeing the surprise on her face.
"For the sake of you, I can give up other women, will your one person."He raises a hand to lightly fondle her powder delicate cheeks.
Originally, it is good to arrive her heart and attention, such in brief.The accident development that relates to for the sake of 2 people, the eastern Si Xuan cans not helps break into laughter the good heart feeling at the moment by himself/herself.
"But ……" although the surprise is at the Si Xuan to her commitment, she still remembers other chemisette existence.
"Still have what but can talk?Got along with so long time, you shoulded know that I never need to try to please chemisette like this."He reluctant to part with the ground is with the beautiful facial features that pointed stomach to lightly once copy her.
"This ……" she knows that what Si Xuan says is true.
Because, by dint of the identity and position of Si Xuan, it is a woman to get more would like to automatically send to come, borrow to get him a free with money valuable donation;Even, she still knows that someone wants to replace her position at eastern house.
"Return this that of?"He is some to upsetly pick eyebrow to ask a way.
"I ……did not you fool me?"Ping however the heart of flutter, already slowly speed rhythm.
"How don't I know when you will query my words so?"He Ning eyebrow.
In fact, he not should the strange Yao Yi still has to him of mental defense line, because of, he knows that that is the Yao Yi doesn't affirm to his feelings of mood-make her completely accept his asseveration all of a sudden, seem to be too force.
The words of "I ……" Si Xuan, make her some nervous.
"Believe me, good?"The eastern Si Xuan deeply absorbs tone, oneself wants to try to put to slowly want to rapidly change the step that 2 people relate to."I know that our relations can be better."
She feels the earnestness cordiality in the speech of Si Xuan and be like him so gentle and soft man, she which ability again push him to leave ownly and nearby?
Before, she is once stupid to get to push he toward the another woman, from now on she any further can't.She wanted Si Xuan to be like again to similarly like her, care her and love her before.
If, the Si Xuans are like this and sincerely willing to treat her, that, return his deep feeling to her is will never be difficult.After all, these in the last years Si Xuan is in addition to Li Xin they outside, only one have access to her person of heart bottom deep place.
Be like unload heart in thousand loads of of skein of sorrow mood, the tiny Yang face of Tang Yao Yi, the Ning eye hopes into his eye.
She is again to don't should let childhood nightmare to worry himself/herself, even influence to own future.Even if the childhood is again unbearable, again sad, again difficult Ai, she has already come out her own road as well.
In childhood, she didn't have way choice to want by himself/herself of life;But now, after there being Si Xuan, she believes that she can certainly have happiness but happy life.
Was like to come out the past days haze, many in the last yearses are received to she the light hatred Dui of beautiful black Mou, have already slowly faded to go, but teach a to put on delightfully fresh smile dimple replace.
"H'm."Smiled to nod to him, the Yao Yi turns rounded and then walked into a Secretariat.In the black Tong of her beauty, have continuously longing of love to slowly start to rise.
The reply that didn't get her affirmation, the mood of eastern Si Xuan has a losing of moment, he thinks Yao Yi how much will respond to his ……
Looking at her engaging figure, he is tiny to shake head to sigh to smile a , then turn round to think into own office walks.
"Si Xuan."
A Xuan that is clear to yell, teach eastern Si come from after death tiny Leng but return to body.
"Si Xuan-" sees the surprise in the eyes of Si Xuan, the Yao Yi smiles the glitter of raising one face to him." Let let's come to lead afresh."
Is surprised to see she suddenly Zhan the beauty now, eastern Si Xuan be shot the heart soul sort ground the Zheng hope her Can to smile joys Yan.
"Yao Yi, you ……"
Her smile sunlight sort, reflect into the eye that he is black to sink, and wait for for a long time of heart;And this a moment, the eastern Si Xuan also really feels the heart of Yao Yi, in his hand ……
Someone smiles and certainly also cries for someone.
And among them, lilac rain should be to cry the most difficultly to lead, also the most unwilling woman.
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