
monster beats anging delay time

Oh to find a chair to sit down .relationresultZheng Yuanhao sawthe blood bag to come at them ,not from disgust he frowned ,nose gave a cold well, at the same time Zheng Yuanhao double palm pushed ,skins immediately from the air vertical drop to the ground ,with a head lose one .
relationresultWu ,how is this going ? Zheng Yuanhao looked at the rounded head ,he simply can not judge whether Qin Tong head is it right? .relationresultQin Tong with I feel irreconcilable hatred for sb.
,he is always my long-cherished wish .That kill chin Tong ,I haven control own mood ,to Qin through implementation of the dismembered ,also please Zheng little don . Ye Wu did not look at Zheng Yuanhao ,a pair of eyes looking at the ground braved the red skull ,put the Buddha also want to step on a few feet .
relationresultMr. Ye ,the head is you get lose one ,we simply have no way to judge what you have not completed the task . Zheng Yuanhao choked back the feeling of nausea, and looked to the head at a glance, embarrassed said .
relationresultZheng little ,you won want to deny it .Qin Tong is not dead ,you look directly Qin responses do not know ? Hear the words of Zheng Yuanhao ,leaves Wuteng to once stood up from the bench ,bulging eyes looked to Zheng Yuanhao .
relationresultMr. Ye down ,since the leaf says this is Qin head ,then certainly not wrong .Mr. hard for so many days ,today it was reported that great hatred ,and allowed me to Mr. Ye with the feast, when is for Mr.
celebrated . Zheng Yuanhao saw Ye Wuyi tried to look ,he immediately changed the smiling faces greet tao .relationresultAtZheng Yuanhao ,the ground head was soon away ,while Ye Wu are two pretty maids to lead to shower and change clothes .
relationresultThe orders down ,see Qin no transaction ! The figure of Ye Wu just disappeared ,Zheng Yuanhao immediately at the side of a man said, but Zheng Yuanhao became grim .relationresultThe leaf such asWu ready out of the living room is much ,a table of delicious feast, Zheng Yuanhao had sat there waiting for him .
relationresultQinpalace and Zheng house not far off, and Hatake deliberately bath changing delay time ,so Zheng Yuanhao set out about human early Qin home news .relationresultIt seems little Lord guess correctly ,the Qin Fu was the mole ! Zheng Yuanhao once again see leaves Wu ,already changed attitude ,enthusiasm that makes Hatake bear ,Hatake from the dark sigh vertical-day Gao qin .
relationresultAfter theleaves have dined and wined to satiety ,Wu ignoring the Zheng family warm ,took the Zheng family paid one thousand Gold Aquamarine coin march off ,and Zheng Yuanhao could not help laughing .
relationresultQin Qin Fu Tong died unexpectedly ,no noise ,but the son in Qin palace inside ,Moto Masako almost deceived ,that leaves Wu is holding a dummy head to fool the son . , relationresultQin Tong has died ,Qin two hundred elite disciples also already poisoning ,now the Qin family simply cannot withstand a single blow ,I will destroy the Qin government single-handed ? ,monster beats, relationresultQin Qin talented talented ah ,you just a little ants ,I never put you in the eye, but who let you talk to Phyl engagement in the body ?It is no wonder the son to find yourself ,and you the family behind to go with you ! , relationresultThink ofQin in such a big family was one play into the hands of his training ,and Ding Ling Phyl furnace will also succeed ,Zheng Yuanhao can in his study pace ,excitedly to oneself with .
relationresultYe Wuis a city in Shandong around several times ,make sure no one track himself ,he was a sideways into the Qin Fu ,Qin Houde and Qin pass early in the side to meet him .
relationresultThree people meeteach other after nodded ,confirm the plan has been implemented successfully, then face a knowing smile .relationresultQin Houdeto Ye Wu said joined a great welcome ,after all, home of the Qin Dynasty now have a temporary situation ,with Ye Wu this force, for Qin home elegance .
Especially Ye Wu likely to be promoted as innate state Wu case, it may be the first Qin overall strength exceeds the Zheng family .relationresultOf course,all this is Qin Houde, a conservative estimate, in fact Qin Houde and Qin Tong become true congenital realm of the Qin ,a city in Shandong strength is beyond the Zheng family ,they just don Zheng home two innate state warrior is only false innate .
relationresultWu ,since you want to be talented followers ,you will stay in the backyard to talented command . Qin Houde and ye Wu greetings for a moment to be jubilant ,ordered .relationresultThank you Lord help .
To hear Qin Houde arrangement ,Hatake was grateful ,to promise .relationresultLeaf bud, you than my happiness ,you cultivate talent was good ,but suffer no panacea for auxiliary ,work has only just failed to break, when you follow the best wishes ,your strength is not a thousand li a day growth ,since it seems to be your behind .
Qin Tong put Ye Wuwang Qin Tianzong in the courtyard of collar ,while envy .relationresultBrother ,I can see your Lord to abnormal respect ,little Lord what benefits and less to you ,so you don laugh at me .
Although Ye Wu is excited, but he is not without reason, humbly replied .relationresultTwo peopleconversation Kung Fu ,soon arrived in the backyard .relationresultTodaybackyard is renovated, with the previous two yard backyard completely ,not only has a few beds and a rockery, her maid servant also many more across the yard ,a bustling scene ,fully in line with the Qin government several other house .
relationresultOriginally Qin Houdehad let Qin Tianzong and others moved to other yard to live ,but do not want to is Qin days if not ,provoked the original courtyard to family on yourself, so he was firmly rejected the request of Qin Houde .
Qin Houde helpless, can only spend huge amounts of money into the backyard to package a .relationresultQinTong and Ye Wu arrives, Qin days if it with Cheng aunt and moon walk .relationresultSeeQin Tong ,whether or Cheng Liusu Qin Hao months are very enthusiastic ,hurried to enter the room quickly to Qin Tong tea ,Qin Tianzong is affectionately called Qin through a sound ,then led Qin Tong and leaves into the drawing-room wu .
relationresultTassel ,now there are so many people in the house ,these live you give people to do is ,you don anything Qinliqinwei . Qin Tong see Cheng Liusu polite manner ,he felt a bit sorry .
relationresultQinTong is very clear ,Qin days if is a responsible gentleman .Come ten years ,Cheng tassel to Qin talented brother and sister take care of meticulously ,Qin talented siblings had put Cheng Liusu as his mother ,now Qin days if strong rise abruptly, Qin Tong also dare not take Cheng Liusu as people treat .
relationresultThese years thanks to the Butler care ,let the talented siblings day many ,tassel to the Butler served tea and also should . Cheng tassel blessed blessing himself said ,politely .
relationresultThis is just an outsider tassel ,talented and intelligent ,I always think of them as his own grandchildren in the view, and how to take care of not caring .However talented now offer ,after the turn of their brothers and sisters to take care of us .
Hear the words of Cheng Liusu ,Qin Tong accept Cheng Liusu lackey, but he looked at Qin Tianzong a bit melancholy .relationresultQinTong with fringed greeting for a moment ,then introduced Ye Wu to Cheng Liusu and Qin Haoyue ,the fact that Qin Tianzong had been previously with Tassels and Qin Haoyue told Ye Wu that a person, so the two women don awkward, embraced the leaf Wu joined the backyard .
relationresultFeel Qin Tianzongwith tassels ,Qin Hao month between the deep affection ,Hatake of Cheng tassel and Qin Haoyue are not the slightest neglect ,hurriedly called miss ,husband Related articles:

