
Beats By Dr Dre Solo China wipes cheek s

, Kneadses to print a method, see its top of head appearing a big hand and to cloud in sky stretching.
Listen to red Kao Ma Hou's one mouthful is a Ms. madam, green jade China corner of mouth start to float smile slightly, red Kao Ma Hou although the with abundant resources is also extremely smart, how can can compare with her princess who was livinged to Tang Gong and used to see intrigue against each other since the childhood again, short several daytimes, green jade China has already let it returns heart, this red Kao Ma Hou although fixing for real strenght lowly can use a few small magic tricks, can mention to devise strategies within a command tent, know person's layout and be to count the first in four oversoul monkeys, the big evil head has it to help each other in the days to come, will certainly save insight much.
Vision's falling is grasped in hand by red Kao Ma Hou of in the imperial enactment, gentleman childe's three big words fall into Mou, smiling of the green jade China corner of mouth dimple is abrupt however stagnate, gradually many in the cool facial expression are flurried for several cents.
Holdses an imperial enactment, red Kao Ma Hou saw 3 people whom the look in the eyes color continuously change and contained anger openings to read a way.
".....Seven states contain monk, name gentleman childe, bloodthirsty and unkind, the wolf sub- greed, rebel against authority to revolt, ruin a paradise big prison first, behind greatly make paradise again, intention murders a gentleman......Have already captured rascal now bottom, this emperor with considerate and generous conducting, culture myriad living things, the capital crime can don't need to live offense difficult escape, gentleman childe jailbird in leave to hate a sky, a life time always can not release......"
A paper imperial enactment hasn't finished reading, green jade China has been tears cover the face, together working properly a son double the eyes is red, strong endure Mou of the drop of tear in the Kuang, but tread empty hall the dead dead then hold to fight knife and greatly tread to outside walk to the mountain.
"Three young masters wait a minute."
The eye sees an empty hall exceed big step, full face unique however of color, red Kao Ma Hou which also don't know his idea, hurriedly call live, lightly sighed a voice, again openings way.
"Although the childe sinks paradise, can I am proper the Yan just calculate, the month childe has already taken my mountain in the sky public arrive at east to win.Accounts to only be public to welcome my mountain in the sky first now for it, the company measures a stratagem, in case the white gives away dead and bite a file just."
Very long, green jade China wipes cheek side drop of tear, deeply absorb tone, turn an eye to hope to together work properly son.
"You along with dark secrets Sir, go first to connect to they big Sung, go again to decide thereafter."
Green jade China of voice although is quiet, can together work properly son to twist a head to see go, the vision falls on green jade the right hand of China, see her finger tip have already deeply imbed meat, engrave to together stab an eye blood scar.
"BE, teacher Niang."
Together work properly son low voice in response to the way, take red Kao Ma Hou to drive cloud but rise, not much have already been missing a trace and shadow.
One paper offense the book spread world Qiong Yu, a short moment after, six press, dollar son in town, reply sea, airiness and empress Yi......The in the whole world strong Hao male all has been already understood, or shakes head regrets, or knits the brows a deliberation.Have no for several days, the gentleman childe greatly makes the record of events of paradise to gradually spread to open and gets into the end a moment of the peace in a hundred years in the world of Qiong Yu, but let the world mankind looks askance at of big fierce, momentary, the gentleman childe's name is almost well-known, the one who have to hate bitterly Nu to scold, as well have adoration admirer, don't lead half year, along with that matter past, again have no how much person will bring up a gentleman intentionally childe.Next day inside, the world of Qiong Yu gradual peace gets up, the battle fire eliminates Ni, conflict no longer, a spool of morals through stream into world, the wild diagram achieves wisdom long rare of common people all one heart to the way, way breeze widely accepted, small country few people, a pure heart and few desires.
However the scene back in this peace, but conceal numerous undercurrents, the world war originally destining is abruptly interrupted, those with patience conducted an innumerable to carry of fierce who will be pleased, all fierce soldier Mo Ma Ku Ku wait for, after waiting for a hundred years, wait for this falling through of deceitful peace.
Nine day on, leave to hate a sky.
Under laurel blossom tree of breaking, the man of the white dress silver hair madly splits to cut the lance in the hand, one the sword is another sword, the sword breeze falls in, but that crack is almost small to see.
The laurel blossom treetop has already engraved next 3,650 row a scar, together represent for a day, the decade is past, desolate lonesomely leave and hate in sky, week after gentleman in addition to the self-discipline is a world while splitting sword, canning splitting a decade, but not yet split and enough let the sword that he flees for life.
A palace with huge's standing erect is leaving to hate a sky, those temples door for opening imitate a Buddha a piece spilt open of big mouth, sneer at a week after the gentleman.Before decade, he is only full of patriotic fervor God temple, chop in two a laurel blossom tree, open anti- Wang Da Dun Kou who let out those to imprison an innumerable to carry in the prison door.After the decade, he becomes the host here, a palace allows him to live, can he but again not go.
The gentleman sword is fallen off to fall ground, the week with beard residues all over the face breathes heavily thick spirit and opens a pair of arms after the gentleman, on on every occasion lying on the ground, the ground of Zheng Zheng looking at isn't shallow forever of of deeply purple sky of Qiong.
(See this visible result, my mountain in the sky made a N Cape that bands together very much love........Still clear cut.)

The text chapter 583 anti- Wang Yi Zhi
The fragrance of books house renews time:2011-4-58:32:26 chapter word numbers:3183

Before decade, when the week opens a pair of eyes after the gentleman, mergence eyelid of is a deeply purple one the sky.Leave to hate high breeze iciness on the sky to go into a pole, blow book he full head silver hair, the whole body up and down all livings a very thick cold idea.Leave to hate a sky, high limitless, widely limitless, the ice is cold pure limitless, week after gentleman Teng cloud but up, or is to resist breeze but go, can not look for for three days and three nights to leave the end of hating the sky.
The cage is a cage, the just as you please contains much big ability, a toward sinking into, again difficult take off to trap.In the week after gentleman will soon despair time, abrupt however thought of him that recruits to cut to break unreal, gentleman sword, run out him whole body way the dint Be cut to leave to hate a sky, can this big jail's seeming be descended to peculiarly forbid to make, space all of time be sealed dead dead, on recruiting to cut to break unreal, the sword bottom has no the least bit great waves.The week believes deeply after the gentleman, as long as the dint goes to pole place, this sky the underground didn't break the existence for doing not open, hence hereafter decade, he leaves to hate for a sky here and tries very hard to self-discipline in the space of closeness, half time is used for self-discipline, another half time then use to split sword and split the next 100,000 swordses at least everyday, but is the matter that he has never done.Decade 365,000,000 times splits sword, unconscious, the gentleman sword is regardless a sword to recruit still the sword ideas all advance by leaps and bounds, and sword the bottom also living a very shallow blind side, although is small but again small, can through soybean big hole, depend on sparse can see inside misty of lighting,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, the world in sword in the grotesque.
"Run out a decade to have to so small hole*eye, want to escape the crack that needs to split three Zhangs grow at least, don't know as well a hundred years inside can attain."
The wry smile wears, week after gentleman mumbling to oneself, he once thought as well the Shu of displaying the variety is from that eyelet hole break out of, can just change body mosquito, sword next the hole in a twinkling eliminated Ni.
There is a spirit feebly lying on the ground, looking at for a sky, Qiong, gradual of, unwilling, cut up rough, painful......Various complicated emotion linger around last week after the gentleman at heart, imitated a Buddha a the huge hand tored to pull that originally boundless however not many hope.
"Jade emperor, purple tiny......There is dynasty on the first if my break out of this leaves to hate a sky, will certainly be like is even sky of in those early years, raised my knife sword, felled Er paradise."
Rub a Chi, the week roars low a way after the gentleman, the voice is more and more big, resound while leaving and hating a sky.This voice imitates Buddha Mars and falls in the 100 palaces and in a twinkling cause Tao wildfire for sky, the ferocious mien is horizontal to living, the hatred hurtles sky, in the middle 37 palaces send out a bellowing of Weng Weng voice, if the Yuan responds to a sort, a short moment after, numerous way or exasperation or dissatisfied roaring cry spread and submerge a week after gentleman ear.
Leave to hate sky the jailbird anti- king is let out after the gentleman by the week of anti- Wang Ze Kou mostly just show up few ten thousand years earlier of strong, can paradise history what few ten thousand yearses, a round world fights in the past, the soldier hurt of anti- Wang Ze Kou again 100 people, anti- Wang Da Dun Kou of the older generation could not stand to leave to hate a sky of lonely and desolate, the heart kept in mind despair suicide, or drive this innumerable carry of time abruptly consume almost exhausted whole body way dint, ruined be leaving to hate a sky.Although life and death, can they the life ambition of treachery paradise still save.37 anti- Wang Yi Zhi, all is numerous year agos become the domineering force of a region of fierce, survived not to know how much carry, even if clay-cold, their loose ambition still domineering like Si, power big like Hong tide, Qing's concussing is leaving to hate a sky, let week after gentleman heart the bottom is tiny shocked.
"The paradise is cruel and unkind, the old man Shi wants to kill the God temple and return world fair."
"Jade Emperor old son, you dare to deny need not scheming, just and upright of fight with this commander-in-chief a......."
"Hate Zai!If give again this emperor for 200 years, I demon the clan can certainly go into lord paradise!"
The week puts eyes to hope to go after the gentleman, see those 37 ancient palaces break open in succession Related articles:

