
Beats By Dre In Ear distance Hui own me

I and Ni Nuo."What person are you ?Why make moves thus cruel!"Zhao Da Dun's childe seems and finds out to rely on and meticulously says:"Killed him!Killed him quickly!Don't harm a that girl ……"
There is some the grounds of Zhan Li in the Ni Nuo held close arm, I clapped the small hand of clapping the Ni Nuo:"Is not afraid,cheap beats by dre, have me at, the little wife can't have any affair."The Ni Nuo coolly smiled to smile:"I ain't afraid they, but afraid you, just yous, you some ……" I smiled to smile:"Am I too cruel?Don't resent my Ni Nuo, if what we are the common run of people, meet with calamity is us, I treat them like this, for of be let more common run of people be free from injury."Ni Nuo lovely location nod, a bit commiserative of looking at a Zhao Da Dun childe and he the bodyguard before the body.
The facial expression of a few bodyguards continuously changes, although Zhao Da Dun's childe doesn't live ground to make them open fire,several individuals didn't open fire, just the vigilance ground takes a gun to point at us.I am cold to say with smile:"Give again your last opportunity, Zhao Da Dun's childe and this is a few similar, after discarding hands can roll ……"
"Opened fire to die him quickly!His mama of!You severals is to kill a person!"Zhao Da Dun's childe clamors, a Duo leads the pistol of that captain bodyguard.But very quick, Zhao Da Dun's childe discovers that he or she can not move, not only is him, the wears black western dress of also is one face of shocked:What person are these two men and women being at present exactly?!Why can oneself not move?Good heavens, this time the childe really has already provoked the person who should not provoke;Say good just get here to make sight-seeing trip a holiday, how be the childe to change not to drop this shortcoming ……
I one lookinging at of face smile Zhao Da Dun childe and severals wear black western dress of say:"You are several orders that just listen to other people, but should not the right and wrong not divide and give support to a tyrant.See still have several cents the human nature at you, I Rao you.But you, Zhao Da Dun's childe, staying you can let more innocent people suffer mental agony, you really should not arrive at this in this world!"
Zhao Da Dun's childe this time although can not move, my words he but is to listen to clearly white white, heart of fear a performance of having no the lapse have been already come out, because he has already wet the pants.Several wear black western dress of is more matchless shocked, but suffer from can not move, be even the words can not say, either, blinking to expect eyes to me of just a strength.However very quick their eyes stared a circle, because their Zhao Da Dun's childe unexpectedly caught fire all over and in a twinkling became a heap of ashes!This still the person does of matter?They is what demons and ghosts!A that wears black western dress sinks into stupid status.
Before solving Zhao Da Dun's childe, I used absolute being first to read to read his consciousness, but I still nowise show consideration of send him next hell, general's grandson, also true give general shameful!Probably only so, so as to let the guy of that old soldier know with the end that I set against!This general always want to take over Xuan Yuan to specially act a brigade, at dragon all military district of time, old man can have no little beat my idea, have never thought to unexpectedly dare to allow his grandson to come c now of S City act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion, he still really good!
"Return to to tell his family, have I already known his inside situation, isn't the grandson of a general?Unexpectedly make your a soldier come to do bodyguard without restraint but BE, carefully I put out his whole family!Say after returning to affair in detail know!Remember, I was that cloud is little!Wang Liu Yun!"Finish saying, I directly took the space of Ni Nuo to transfer "love of Be in remembrance of", process so on making, I with Ni Nuo basically have no idea again keep on playing.
Several wear black western dress of you see me, I see you and a good half-day just discover that oneself can move.The captain sighed tone:"Cloud is little, Wang Liu Yun!He is the general of the youngest the country of Xuan Yuan!Is old sky of, is he still a person?!The childe provokes what person not good, don't want to provoke this abnormal condition!There is also general, not- good arrive his troops, how may?Or quickly return to tell general ……"
"Love of Be in remembrance of" inside, the Ni Nuo is some worry of looking at me to say:"Elder brother Yun, you do like this to bring what bother?"I smiled to smile:"What bother?That can say is that they damn!Liked Ni Nuo, my little my daughter's wife Wang, who if the woman who gave offense to me, the ends are all similar.Still have, at that time if the orchid son was more miserably present, estimated that the big childe of that would die!"
"I so terrible?"The orchid son and many females suddenly came back, however the orchid son directly appears in my bosom, two small hands have already gentle and softly put my waist.I quickly say with smile:"Where where, I am to say that the orchid son abhors evil like deadly foe, is a huge female Xia!"Orchid son this just loosens to open a small hand, on my face kiss for a while.
Ni Nuo just of affair in brief said 1 time, many females listenned to an angry filling Ying and all saying me well done.Snow maple is wrinkly to knit the brows a head of to say:"This affair I must report Xuan first chairman Yuan ……" I shook to shake head:"Temporarily don't , snow maple.You want that I right away want lowly to those race implementation revenge, old man unavoidably wants when the time comes back am one knife for me, rather let now he without restraint and BE, I also sought to lend to put out him!"
Chen Fei ordered to nod:"Yun Ge says quite goodly, still have many troops on the old man's hand of, don't understand in addition to this latent danger, unavoidably result in when the time comes confusion!"Jiang Yu also approves my opinion, snow maple wanted to think and also ordered to nod:"Is also good like this, anyway old man is also uneasy cent, sooner or later will take place mishap, early handle it could be a good matter!"
The little Yun hesitated to say for a while:"Flow cloud, this affair temporarily puts for a while.I want to make you go to dragons to be all an and connect younger sister Hui of distance to come over.These days of bitternesses herself.You are knowing, at the beginning I promise process Hui, while you also connived, distance younger sister Hui's idea canned all put on you now.Besides, besides distance younger sister Hui now home appear some problems ……"the little Yun say to say the noodles exposes a difficult color, don't know how say just good.
The Hong wild goose sighed tone to say:"Or I say.Just little elder sister Yun received a distance Hui telephone, the father mother of distance Hui pressed distance Hui go home betroth, say what if the distance Hui dided not return to again, didn't recognize his this daughter."I am wrinkly to knit the brows:"Distance Hui own meaning?"
Once the Hong wild goose listen to and immediately and in anger say:"What distance Hui own meaning!The somebody else can early is your person!I tell you, if the processing doesn't like this affair,Beats By Dre In Ear, I and little elder sister Yuns can't forgive yours!Still have, if at the beginning, at the beginning you were a little bit resolute to want fine son of elder sister, fine son elder sister also can't ……"the Hong wild goose suddenly beat and no longer keep on saying, because the Hong wild goose saw me, the painful side permits.Others a shockedly looking at Hong wild goose, having never thought the never angry Hong wild goose will such concussion.To know after fine son leave human life,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, many females never bring up fine son in my in front.
"Execuse me, elder brother Yun."The Hong wild goose slowly attains me, the soft voice says:"The distance Hui elder sister is a good girl, so long-term, for the sake of you she a heart put on the group, now have a person in the dragons all science and technology, she is of what, is not for canning be foolish in care and love that your get you nearby?Say again, your in the mind also not is have no her and why on earth let distance Hui does the elder sister suffer hardship alone ……"
I chase Hong wild goose Lan is in the bosom:"I didn't get angry, the Hong wild goose said of to, I should let love my person happy with the person whom I love, this is my responsibility.Like, I this goes to dragons all."Thought of fine son, I deplore greatly, but for the distance Hui, I feel heartache more, after all the dead already Yi, the fine son always lives in my in the mind, distance Hui?I still need to let her alone satisfied to taste painful?I still need to wait until her like fine son after leaving just cherish?!Not ability, I not ability!

Chapter 311 distance Hui and Ni Nuo(next)

The Chinese New Year has been already led, distance Hui alone the station is in the dragons all science and technology office of before the window, lonely looking at a window to outside and again float loose snowflake, mood like the gray sky is similar heavy.House to Yi distance Hui to say, the house is already Related articles:

