
Beats By Dr Dre Solo d return calculate t

Of what kind of will a storm.Not only church, connect those common people on the mainland to estimate to will be also unwilling, there are also the nobility masters that those title are of a great variety …….
Is alas, this elder brother, return is really a lord for bringing calamity.
Use an own Wu mysterious ability, the small dance chases all evil clans in quickest time, evil clan scout, and those common businessmen to classify, have the evil clan scout to still have several person's clan with hiddenly pretty deeps among them, also drive small dance of some kind of direct of the soul search to clenched out.
"Elder brother, you came."The small dance after classifying the scouts of very evil clan lets the doll shout Liu Jing to learn, oneself arranges a person to chase those again proper of the businessmen all to please one the side is another entertainment, and send a person to work well to put in the custody of to reach agreement to release a work, wait favour to lead, see Liu Jing learn quietly station looking at her at the door.
"Really can't reserve their lives?They are still all so young."16 youths of evil clans, and four personal old mans of clan, exactly 20 lives, Liu Jing learns how to also can not do it familiar see don't see.He still wants to make an effort of save them.
"I was to have no way.Want a way, you want to go by yourself."See the facial expression that Liu Jing learns, the small dance suddenly and with no reason feels a burst ofly feel vexed.
"Yes, the evil clan , in this place, wased all turned for demon by those manned at the wheels, according to their benefitses, should be being impossible will leave their lives."Liu Jing learns helplessly shut last eyes, the heartache of full face:"But, so many lives so of the disappearance is in those schemes for struggling for power and money, is really ……"
"Liu Jing learns a Sir BE, you can call my Tom."Stand from those people a young men, very common young man, take the brilliant sunlight of one face:"We get here, explain that we all worked well preparation, as long as you can understand us helpful you find back your daughter's decision, can give us some helps, to us enough, we come before, our kings all have already said for us, will take place what, we also all know, but we still keep coming."
"Your king?Who?Isn't that to be called what what Susan?"The at heart that Liu Jing learns brushed past one silk shadow, eyes also dangerous Mi get up.
"BE compare a day does the Ge Hong stand.Susan."That young man turns head to hurtle after death of a person smiled to smile, after death of the person also all knowingly smiled to smile:"Our king once says you may basically record not to live her name and see come still true."
The mood that Liu Jing learns is more getting worse, connect oneself to record not and live her names all can in consideration of, Liu Jing learns to feel that he or she imitated a Buddha to fall into an unseen trap, this felling makes him feeling not very good:"What did she still say?"
"The king who has us here to one of your letter, she says that you saw and then will understand."That young man takes out a very neat envelope for keeping from the bosom, Liu Jing learns to connect to come over of time, up still take young man that warm body temperature.
"Do you make decision again after canning wait I to finish seeing this letter?"Liu Jing learns to take that letter, don't open and just take in the hand and looking at those scouts that come from an evil clan of in front quietly:"I hope that you can not make the not good action that serves as what before I finish seeing this letter, otherwise I can completely of denial I once received a letter like this, so, your paid be without results wasted, this, I hoped that you could think it over.After all compare with, my prestige wants to be stronger than you to ascend so some, if I say that this am the evil clan to my frame-up, probably the credibility is unlikely very bad."
"This, can write this letter for me and then can see out from your king."Liu Jing learns to sway in the middle of the hand that letter that haven't opened:"She can write a letter like this for me, letter inside is what contents I don't know, but she can begin to write this for me to believe in person, prove she is chase I regard as and her equal person, is also say, I can basically be free from her to rule over.Or, explain that I have same weight with her words.This, I think that you should be acknowledgement."Liu Jing learned to stop a short while and let the scouts digest of those evil clans digest his words so much.
Is dead silent medium in the one, the scouts of those evil clans is slowly ordering under that leading of Tom, admitted that the words of Liu Jing's theory really have so some truths.
"Thoroughly keep your small lives so, perhaps will I have other use."Liu Jing learned Liao to descend a words, any further ignore those scouts, walked to a side to tear open envelope, cautiously start to see letter.
The scouts of evil clan cannot helped but floating one the facial expression of the surprised Cha, the face of the small dance up is also a surprised one Cha, be just, different from the surprised Cha of those scouts BE,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, she is to don't know that the words of Liu Jing's theory are what mean.
"Letter, I once saw, but I different idea."Liu Jing learns the letter and the envelope in the cold handle knob to tore into two halfs and hands over to a small dance:"Burned it."
The smiling face that takes one glitter on Tom's face, his after death of those scouts are also peeping out of a smiling face.
"I need you to leave.If the words of task that you still think that the king that complete you gives an account."Liu Jing learns to hurriedly shout at top of voice:"I need your body, I need your life, I need you on the hoof, on the hoof for me ……handle affairs."
Tom is smiling, very brilliant smiling face:"Execuse me, we don't know, we were still too anxious."A wisp of blood flows from his corner of mouth next, wind around of at the function fall of gravitation pull of the earth is to the ground:"Can not help you execuse me."
"You ……" Liu Jing learns to cut up rough very much and cuts up rough the birdbrain of these evil clans and also cut up rough own of have no dint:"You are free from reputation~" growl resounds in the whole gulf and leads the vision that apprehensives to the one.
It is suddenly an one to is small to dance.

Text 190, terrible tent
Renew time:2008-10-2812:36:24 chapter word numbers:4701

"Small dance takes those slave traders to come over."The facial expression that Liu Jing learns very dark, imitate the city of Buddha bottom of sea of'the sky'.
Is a don't utter of took a look the one corpse of ground, stay not to live the trace of the sorcery any further on the corpse of death, an ugly evil clan face gradually presents and return calculate the smooth skin also gradually peeped out an evil clan that similar scales and shell similar rough skin.
"These are also all person, although they with us long of not and so imagine, their someone's ideal, person's desire, with pursuing of others, we again why want to say that they aren't persons, thus horizontal to them add to massacre, both parties of lane like have what absolutely irreconcilable enemy hatred, like this even they also know to fall person's clan by themselves of there is no good matter in hand, connect listen to none of lives that I still have a way to keep them want to listen to, all youngly don't want that continuing is on the hoof?"What Liu Jing learned sighs to sink very deeply, the heart also really gets hurt.
Small dance and none of dolls know to say what, just silently looking at an at present corpse.
Was long to absorb an one breath, Liu Jing learned to press down the felling in the heart:"Go to, bring those slave traders, I want to ask some affairs concerning little girl there from they."
"None of them knows."Before small dance didn't move, while searching evil clan scout from those businessmen, she conveniently searched some kind of affairs concerning little girl and learned in front to concern to deliver a matter most to quiet this Liu, she also embraces to have tremendous of enthusiasm and concern.
"H'm, that their slave's sources did you clear up?"Track to trace to origins is the matter that Liu Jing learns to want to do, those slave trader and catch the quarrel of of Nu hand is the clues that Liu Jing learns a demand, seek to catch a Nu hand here from the slave trader, again from catch a Nu hand to seek a slave trader there, follow the rattan touch an of melon of chase Related articles:

