
http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM the space rest also

Hide in the spirit of one regiment mentally dense, obscurely integrated into air, in a moment transmigration of soul Feng, jump up top fully the Gang breeze of more than 100,000 Zhangs in nine days layer in.
He just stopped over, after 3 winks, square pure snow rushed through to come up.
"The square is cold, your white emperor gold emperor's cutting skill is really rapid, and I escape to all fail to catch you with the various sky of thunder."Square pure snow is tiny to sigh, she has heart to want to compare them feet dint with cold square, but still slow three efforts for winking, only 100,000 Zhangs, slow 3 wink, if 100,000 inside of distance, that still have to?
"My white emperor gold emperor cuts nothing.Greatly move to move Shu is real of severe."The greatly moving of the emperor whom the square was cold to think of to hate celestial spirits moves Shu.An ambulation is 108,000 insides.If oneself now will this doctrine in 3,000 major ways, that goes to Jupiter dragon convenience a lot of.
Hate celestial spirits the emperor totally made a show of three kinds of magical powers of 3,000 major ways in the middle of fighting, the first is to greatly move to move Shu, the second is that the big print Shu, the third is to greatly curse Shu, greatly move to move Shu among them the most rapid.BE walk faster of best method door, greatly seal to print Shu don't can seal to print person's emperor's pen, it is to can not tell concrete power to pour, greatly curse Shu then mysterious difficult to understand, square cold smoke water an all won to recruit.
If these three doctrines all learned, the square was cold to know that his/her own real strenght affirmation wants to promote a to raise.
"Wait I to fix ten thousand thou tycoon, step to go into long living a secret place, develop a nether world diagram once again of various astounding, did to like 8 to float a Tu.Go to a Liao tooth again island to seek that trouble that hates a celestial spirits emperor.That gourmand tooth coagulates of big, I have to be good to come to hand, guard own transmigration of soul of Feng, otherwise absolute being clan to strike against, only afraid first demolish is my transmigration of soul Feng.Certainly, the gourmand tooth chain turns into 8 to float a Tu in, is also a quite good choice."
"Is pure snow elder sister Shi, be still and I power communication, fly quickly somely like this, I haven't displayed my biggest speed."The square was cold to see one eye square pure snow.
"Your speed really is to have to be quick than me for the sake of walking faster quickly, want ~only such."Once the square pure snow handle knob flick and closed to a square cold, release a thunder and lightning diaphragm, fenced in a square cold.The 2 people power communicates, Shua of for a while, flew for nine days, Gang breezes, Gang atmosphere in the sky outside, arrive an extensive space in.
Not is 23 hours, 2 people completely left Xuan faraway 1,000,000 insides in the yellow big world.
"I this time is truely flew space, leave a Xuan yellow big world, just know extensive world.No wonder that don't arrive long living a secret place, can not sail across star sky at all, otherwise the powers all give relief to not to come up."
Square cold one noodles at unreal of space in fly, often see huge meteorite, fly to bump to come over, however he doesn't avoid being seen as well, is luck since the power, outwardly on shaking, regardless what meteorites all be directly shaken into powder, but some meteorites contain some babies among them at, for example Xuan iron, really crystal ……etc. baby, then all be greatly gobbled up Shu absorption.Is own nourishing square cold this life world method is mutually.
If is a general superior, also want between the flight, avoid being seen these bumping of meteorite shot.
These meteorite, can compare to fly assassinating of swords to all want ferocious get many.
"Is quite good, the star sky is extensive, didn't arrive long living a secret place, can draw to take fairyland of the situation of vitality, can not sail across at all, otherwise tired all have to be dead tired, and haven't taken a rest of place.Fly at Xuan the surface of the yellow big world, the power wanted exhaustion.Can also look for a place to stop for rest, resume, but Be getting more tired in the space, rest also rest not, otherwise will be bumped dead by the meteorite.Still be probably been evil by the sky to swallow.The sky in the space is evil, can be many much more evil than the sky within yellow big world of Xuan."
Square pure snow one side flies, a face a square cold explanation, a side also makes use of the spirit of thunderbolt, the shot is ground to before bump the one slice that the shot comes over meteorites.
Some meteorites is mutual to rub, also released thunder fire.
"Is pure snow elder sister Shi, you hurry self-discipline to arrive long living a secret place, by so doing, in aid of I in the future open a nether world treasure-house, get big transmigration of soul Shu."The square is cold a side make greatest efforts to fly Lue, a noodles chews the fat.
"BE not very far away either, believe in the near future, when my life dollar didn't exert, affirmation can fix.However still luckily you, if not that you make the big mentally dense thunder giving or getting an electric shock the sign the sword and my immortalization combine and was born the dint of world, I still ain't likely to step into magical power ten heavy, but this time you divide to give me two world methods mutually, after my chain turn a , I already the self-discipline arrive magical power ten heavy of highest point."Square pure snow way:"We walk faster with all strength and fly to Jupiter dragon to say again."
The square is cold to again promote his/her own speed.
Numerous meteorites, being bumped shot by him must smash.Pulled up a "wave" that is long to reach a long distance in the space!
Left to go to heaven as a fairy a door in the square cold and square pure snow for three days fully behind, a night, suddenly, together small starlight, incredibly from nine days on decline to drop down, obscurely permeated into square pure snow lives of"purple electricity Feng" in, later on this small starlight, incredibly coagulate one personal form.
This person's form is that shape is perfect, the noodles permits handsome, generosity of spirit calmly, but face up take the man of evil smiling face.
This man turned 1 turn on the purple electricity Feng and seemed is from look for what things, there are many people on the purple electricity Feng, too, but have no 1 and discover him, seem he is in moreover a parallel space move generally.
"What about square pure snow?What about square pure snow?No longer purple electricity Feng how up, I this self-discipline have results to show and found out she is an electricity the mother turn a life time and specially rushed through from the limitless star temple, marry her to return to temple.As long as marrying her to return to temple, and I the double fix, can arrive my constellation thunder method self-discipline incomparable situation.Convert into a many stars limitless book thoroughly big stars Shu."
This man revolves and sends out chilly voice.
Chapter 454 surprised sky of scheme
This man shouted in a short while and remained is no one and discover him, square Qiang even patroled on the purple electricity Feng, nearby once walked from he, didn't discover this man's any action, even the voices didn't hear, seeing to this man is really in moreover a parallel space.Otherwise of words, is not likely to can not discover him.
On the purple electricity Feng, but don't set out forbiding of many secretses method.
"Pure Ms. Wei also has more than a years time, you are about to resume original body, go to heaven as a fairy a Zhang to teach sovereign power, till that time, will automatically relieve.However the square is cold this time, even ten thousand thou tycoon satisfied sons all cut to kill.You is BE not likely to revenge to avenge forever, and this extravagant other party is cold to appreciate very much, I see extravagant idea, half also on the square cold body.Is most later square cold will become your brother-in-law.When the time comes kiss to up add in person, you even had no opportunity and still kept letting go of idea, hereafter try to please a square well cold.Is regrettable regrettable, if you the opinion that could listen to a spoilt daughter of a rich family in those early years, marry square cold, have already had a meteoric rise early now, probably become the superior of gold Dan, historic little tycoon,http://feeds.feedburner.com/CUZM, where have now so pitiful Xi Xi?"
Square Qiang's walking to the big palace is a corner, in that corner, there is a chair, squat down a cat on the chair, drive breeze white the feather change cat of square pure Wei.
Listen to these words of the Qiang of square, this cat starts fidgety discomfort, look in the eyes in stay to peep out the emotion of the old grudge more.
The square Qiang sees here, can not help shaking and left a few Dan medicines to walk.
"Good hand segment, good hand segment.This cat is incredibly what person changes become, so severe means, this is to build the state of thing.Is long to living a secret place, the fifth is heavy to just have, what person have this kind of severe magical power!So large power?BE go to heaven as a fairy the Zhang of door to teach?Does the Zhang that goes to heaven as a fairy a door now teaches, is one to be called breeze white feather?And my saint female of limitless star temple, seemed to be still to once have an affair, however now saint female because lost a chastity, be blockaded in the endless black jail star.However this breeze white feather although severe, the Dan isn't severe either wide of the mark, and Xuan yellow big world in, seem fairy way to also start Shuai

