
cheap beats by dre texts three force;Wh

 "Do not stir, this together cans not stands!Medium hall, this meat ……"
"Meat, how?"
"Hey Hey, that ……that ……have a little son ……salty."
"What?Is salty?I taste."
He says to taste, don't eat, take a son chopsticks, be stained with some son soup son, to tongue 1:00.Mao!Tongue at that time wood.
"Pei!Pei!This Liu agreeable son, everyday which, I eat vegetables love to eat the salty, the son does for you now also so salty, be really, this Liu agreeable son, true discard!"
Liu Shun Er is in the window outside on listenning to, heart says, was I many us to once do so salty vegetables for you?!
"Ah, four,cheap beats by dre, I ask you, is rice vegetables ah, still vegetables rice which?"
"Hall in heel you are old back, certainly is rice vegetables."
"Ah, this have to not.Your simply eating meat is certainly salty, take a round flat cake clip that meat, didn't once hide that salty strength son to come!"
In foetus is bad on listenning to, to ah!Or medium the hall have knowledge and can say that again.Picked up an a round flat cake at that time, clipped a few meat, roll up, so a bite …….
Liu Yong asks:"How this time?"
(The bitterness is mutually)"Is alas, more salty!"

The ventriloquist specialty area of Liu Bao Rui of the text chapter 67 【the bet shot of the officialdom Dou series Zhang 】
Renew time:2009-2-2817:10:37 chapter word numbers:5473

These four bearers know Liu Yong of severe.Return to mansion on learning tongue, and state a brain.The heart says:This is"beat a Nu deceit lord".Go, don't be busy!Wait lo quasi- opportunity, if the head that didn't want your Luo pot son, I is not with!
Can Qiao, one day which, Liu Yong up dynasty late in a short while.Why?Come to a few Shandong person of hometowns in Liu Yong Fu, say that the home town suffers on a disaster, three year heavy drought, drop rain didn't rain …….So on talking, hold up time, ascend vigor late some.
Dynasty building inside, all of the text military officer member came, even seven king Yes, eight king Yes, nine king Yes, three princes all came and where Liu Yong hadn't come yet.
Nine king Yes are a big fatty, fat Be getting more surprising.Have much fat?Say so with you, in summer aisle son, a pair hand enough doesn't wear navel eye son!So fat.His sex such as very hot fire, the temper explodes rashness, quick-tempered, sit on the chair to ask:
"Ah, this, we class did the person of the son come together?"
And state one Chou, the opportunity came, once the eye pupil turn, this bad idea suppresses good.The favour says:
"Return to Wang Ye, also not and together, Luo pot the son haven't come yet."
"H'm?How hasn't he comes yet?"
"Return with Wang Ye, Luo pot the son be so early unable to come, Luo pot son ah, he this ……appreciate a pillow at home."
The meaning of this words ah, say that Liu Yong can not manage national important event.You see, ascend dynasty, he still just does the home sleep to greatly feel.Appreciate a pillow, this is a wisecrack remark son.
Just and by this time, inch strength son, Liu Yong come.Liu Yong arrived dynasty door son, just wanted to lift Lian son, was hearing nine king Yes saying:
"How hasn't he comes yet?"
And state to where say:
"Luo pot the son be so early unable to come ……"
You don't see a Liu Yong so big medium hall, there is a trouble, what trouble?Exclusively good to listen"thief words son"!Who back ground once the inside pay attention to him, ah, he is quasi- to listen to.
Now son a listen to and state of words, heart says, good, you and state unexpectedly dare party in government building inside, take care of me call Luo pot son?!H'm, listen to what is the row, hereafter back an one step, website rank underneath, listen to:"Luo pot the son be so early unable to come, appreciate a pillow at home."H'm, listen to again, the inside doesn't say what.Liu Yong slowly lived to retreat several steps again, again go forward, the step is intentionally heavy little bit,The Deng Deng Deng Deng, Ascend step son, "admire to hum!"Coughing is a , then a the son of Liao Lian came in.And state one a cough of listenning to, the heart says:!Come, luckily he late comes to one-step son and early come to one-step son to make him hear and then bother.
In fact, Liu Yong early hears!
And state to listen to a cough of Liu Yong Yi, intentionally once turned a face to go and saw that 《absolute being state nine area diagrams 》 of wall, is the map of that exergue.For get around for a while.
Liu Yong which, come in son to send greeting for Wang Ye first:
"Send greeting for seven king Yes."
"Send greeting for eight king Yes."
"Send greeting for nine king Yes."
Come over here a to stir to pull and shen:
", Give and medium the hall also seek to repair Anne!"
And state that the heart says:Hey!Arrive me here how be of contrary opinion so, what call seek to repair Anne where?
Elephant so, you don't manage Liu Yong, not he still needs to seek words son to say:
", In Liu hall, the son comes to night now?"
Unexpectedly Liu Yong respectfully answers:
"That's just the way?Appreciate a pillow at home to wear."
Oh, all listenned to to!Hey, lo does this twist strength son separately?!Have already made the along while all of him to hear.H'm, hear and then hear, simply, I seek for you first to scold, let text in the dynasty building force the official hierarchy scold you a , give I with state solution to feel avenged.
"The hall in Liu, you are all left imperial censor.'Imperial censor', 'talk an officer'which!Certainly being to be had a meal by 3 people isn't three texts be three force.You came to night today and probably wrote to fold son in the home?Are you to think three texts?Or intend three force?You see our dynasty building inside these are a text the officer was greedy for dirty, is still that the military officer took bribe, who do you suppress three today?"
This calls to seek for him to scold.The text of the dynasty building inside force official hierarchy, must scold Liu Yong.", Liu Luo Guo's son loves 3 people.Otherwise, and state to why say this words!"
Liu Yong Yi listens to the in the mind being getting more understand:!Is this to seek for me to scold?Hum, this son scolds, I can not also receive.With eat vegetables, he doesn't eat, and then give and state to stir to return to!How to stir of?This speech Gao.The joy of Liu Yong Yi:
"Oh, get, get, and medium hall, what three texts three force;What text the officer was greedy for soiled, the force will take bribe.You want:These several months my 3 people?Have no 3 people?Right?"
Ah, Qiao strength son, recent more than a month Liu Yong is still true have no 3 people.What is the row son?BE have the file son the matter son he didn't°yet investigate clear which, evidence shortage.Is for this reason, have no 3 people, have no 3 people for these several months.Ah, now son he uses ascend.
"And medium hall, you want, the everyone also wants and have no 3 people for these several months of my Liu Yong, whether have already returned so matter son?"
Shine on so, and state to don't also downwards ask, not he still needs to ask:
", Quite good, you pour recently is have more than a months to have no 3 people, this is why?"
"Why?This has what can be of?Didn't I give° this Cha son to forget?"
"Oh, forget, forgot not three."
"Ah, to.But don't go today, how?Today you and medium the hall reminded me, you so on reminding, I thought of, that today I have to three a pairs dissipate sorrows son!Also is no matter a text the officer be greedy for dirty, the force will take bribe, everyone is careful, and medium hall reminded me, I could point uncertain three you who!"
On listenning to, everyone's Mao!This is unscrupulous of and state where, you see, the somebody else forgot, do you lift him to come to son why?!
By this time, the everyone horizontal eyebrow angrily looking at and states.And state one lo:!How to wear, this scolds to still allow oneself to seek top!Ah, I can not be subjected to this to scold, either.
"The hall in Liu, you must not say so, you so on saying, let the everyone scold me.You say quasi-, exactly three who?"
"Exactly three who ah?That what ……that ……that three you!"
"?Arrest who whom come!Hall in Liu, you three I?I am a small minor official job, tiny end future prospects, afraid not to be worth you 13?"
"Is unworthy?Like, so you give decision, you say who value?I three who!"
"I give decision to pour can, however, I idea, perhaps you ……you not dare three?!"
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